Page 28 of Breathless (Steel Brothers Saga 10)
I sighed. “They need to know.”
“They can know when I have actual news. I can’t burden them. They’ve all been through so much.”
“But this is family, Marj. If ever there were three brothers who were there for each other, it’s the Steels.”
“I know. I know. But…”
“No buts. We’ll call them together, okay?”
She swallowed, nodding, but we both jerked when her phone buzzed against her thigh. She pulled it out. “Oh, God. It’s Talon.”
“You want me to answer?”
She nodded.
I took the phone from her. “Hey, Tal. This is Bryce.”
“Where’s Marj?”
“She’s here. She’s upset. How’s Jade?”
He paused a moment. “The baby’s okay, so far. They saw the heartbeat on ultrasound, and they’ve got her hooked up to a monitor. The cramping has subsided, but she’s still bleeding a little bit. They’re going to keep her here overnight for observation.”
Marj tugged on my arm. “What’s he saying?”
I held my hand up to stop her so I could hear Talon.
“Apparently some spotting during pregnancy can be normal,” he said, “and so can cramping. But because of her severe morning sickness, they want to keep an eye on her.”
“I tell you, Bryce. I’ve never been so scared in my life.”
“Did you call your brothers?”
“No. I assume Marj did.”
“She didn’t. She didn’t want to scare them.”
“Just as well. So far, everyone is cautiously optimistic. No need to bother them.”
“Okay. Okay. I’ll call them. Tell Marj I’ll be home sometime tomorrow.”
“Will do.”
“Thanks for being there with her. I know her. Jade’s her best friend, and she’s probably worrying herself into a big mess. How are the boys?”
“I assume they’re in bed. You want to talk to your sister?”
“Yeah. Put her on.”
I held the phone out to Marjorie. “So far Jade and the baby are fine. He needs to talk to you.”
She nodded and took the phone, her facial muscles finally relaxing. “Tal?”