Page 107 of Breathless (Steel Brothers Saga 10)
“Good call,” Joe said. “Let’s go.”
Chapter Thirty–Nine
Dinner for ten at the last minute. No problem when you lived on a beef ranch. Burgers for all. Jade’s nausea had lessened some, and she helped me get everything together.
Melanie arrived before Joe, and I couldn’t help smiling as I hugged her. She looked so beautifully radiant, her skin glowing, her belly in the third trimester. She was clearly enjoying her pregnancy and had little difficulty.
Which made me feel even worse for Jade.
I could tell Melanie felt a little guilty when she was around Jade, but she hid it well. The two of them weren’t overly close. Melanie was much closer to my other sister-in-law, Ruby Lee Steel, who arrived moments later. The two of them had been each other’s maids of honor at their respective weddings. They set to chatting, so Jade and I went back to work in the kitchen.
Jade sighed. “I’m trying to be happy for Melanie. I really am.”
“I know it’s hard,” I replied.
“I’m trying to concentrate on the fact that my baby is okay. That’s what’s important.”
“It is. And it’ll be over in less than six months.”
“She’ll have a baby before I do.”
“True, but she may only have this one chance because of her age. Remember that. You’re young. You can have lots more.”
“After this??
? Jade shook her head. “I’m not sure I can go through it again. Plus we have the boys to think about as well. I can’t be spread too thin. And right now? This stuff with Dale? I’m scared, Marj.”
“It’ll all work itself out,” I said, hoping I sounded convincing. I was every bit as frightened as she was.
I carried a tray of raw burgers out onto the deck for Talon to grill. I looked around. Everyone was here.
Everyone, that was, except for Joe and Bryce.
Joe had texted Talon back that he was with Bryce and that Bryce was coming along. Even now, my body still tingled from our time together.
I wanted to see him.
And I wanted not to see him.
I turned, and—
“Oh!” I gasped, my knees trembling.
Bryce grabbed my arm and steadied me. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
I wasn’t startled so much as…hyperaware. His body so close to mine sent me into shivers—shivers that raced along my spine and landed between my legs.
“Where’s Joe?” I asked.
“Should be right behind me,” Bryce said. “Jade sent us straight out here.”
“I need to get back to the kitchen,” I said weakly.
Still, he held on to my arm.
“Okay?” I pulled out of his grasp.