Page 71 of Twisted (Steel Brothers Saga 8)
“Congratulations,” Melanie said to me. “You’re the first patient I’ve seen in this office in weeks.” She smiled. “It feels good to be back here.”
“I’m glad my uncle dropped the medical malpractice lawsuit against you,” I said.
“You and me both. But there’s still so much to figure out about Gina and her death and how it all relates to…well, to your father.”
My father. Everything always came back to my father.
“But you came here to talk to me professionally. I appreciate your trust in me, Ruby. I truly do.”
“Talon and Jonah say you’re the best.”
She laughed. “They might be a little bit biased.”
I hoped she could hear the sincerity in my voice. “I’ve heard in great detail from Ryan how much Talon has changed for the better since he started seeing you. And I know the whole story of how he suffered at the hands of my father and the others. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think you were the best therapist in the state. I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice.”
“Not a problem. I’m not officially back until next week, but I was here getting the office ready. Are you hungry? I know this is your lunch hour. We can order something in.”
“No. I’m fine.” I gripped the arms of the forest-green leather recliner upon which I sat. Was this where Talon had sat? Where Gina had sat?
“All right. What can I help
you with?”
Where to start? I fidgeted a little. “I need to become…” Shit, Ruby. Just say it. “I need to become whole, Melanie. I don’t know exactly where to start, but that’s where I need to end.”
“What makes you think you’re not whole just as you are?”
I couldn’t help a laugh. “Are you kidding? I was a virgin until age thirty-two. I’ve been dressing down for over a decade to keep men from noticing me. Even that didn’t stop some of them, but I was able to scare them off.”
“So you’re not a virgin anymore then?”
“Surely you’ve heard all about what happened in Jamaica.”
She smiled. “The Steels don’t kiss and tell, but of course I had a hunch.”
Heat burned my cheeks.
“Don’t be embarrassed. I’m proof enough that no one can resist the Steel men.”
That got a smile out of me. “So you resisted at first?”
“I did. But we’re not here to talk about me.”
True. And I was paying her. Or rather, my insurance was. “I’m finding out some things about myself that…surprise me. Even disturb me a little.”
“What things?”
I inhaled and let my breath out slowly. Here went nothing. “I’ve been afraid of men for so long. I really took a big chance with Ryan, and I never expected it to turn into something.”
“Has it turned into something?”
I nodded. “I love him. And what’s even more unbelievable? He loves me.”
“That’s wonderful! And just to reiterate what I said on the phone, everything you say in our sessions is completely confidential. I won’t go running to Jonah with this news.”
“I know that.” Melanie was a consummate professional.
“So what are you finding out about yourself that troubles you?”