Page 103 of Twisted (Steel Brothers Saga 8)
“Thank God. You certainly shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.”
“Believe it or not, Ruby, I never meant to reproduce. I told you a long time ago that your mother was a one-night stand gone wrong.”
I ignored his heinous remark and fingered the ring. It was identical to Simpson’s, right down to the enigmatic symbol. “What does this symbol mean?”
“It represents an old club I belonged to a long time ago.”
“Yes, the future lawmakers club in high school. I know all about that.”
“You’re a good investigator. A good cop, Ruby. I’m proud of you.”
Say what? “I haven’t brought you down yet.”
“True. But I’m uncatchable. I’m careful, very cautious.”
Delusions of grandeur. I’d have to ask Melanie if that was a symptom of psychopathy. If I ever got out of here, that was.
“Back to the ring,” I said. “What does the symbol mean?”
“It symbolizes our commitment to each other and to the club, among other things.”
“What was the club about?”
“What do you think? We were future lawmakers.”
“And what laws would those be? All you’ve done is break the law.”
“Think about it. You’re smart. You’re my daughter, for God’s sake. Oh, and if you’re thinking that maybe you’re not, that maybe the whole thing is a hellacious mistake, give it up. I had your DNA tested when your mother flew the coop. I figured the whore might have been lying on your birth certificate.”
I stood, fear raging through my veins, but I was not going to let him speak badly about my mother. Flew the coop? The woman had died. “Don’t ever mention my mother again.”
“Fine by me. But you should know this. Your mother gave you to me. She’s the reason you were sent to me.”
Keep calm, Ruby. He’s just trying to distract you from the ring. I breathed in deeply and let the air out slowly. I said nothing.
He continued trying to bait me. “She phoned me and told me she could no longer afford you, and that it was my turn.”
“She died. That’s why I was sent to you.”
“Your mother didn’t die, Ruby. When I refused to take you, she abandoned you and you became a ward of the state. When officials called me, I had no choice but to take you. But rest assured, I made sure you were truly mine.”
No. My mother loved me. She did the best she could. Grief overwhelmed me. My father’s face blurred, and I blinked. Had to stay cool. Had to. “You’re lying, you son of a bitch.”
“I’m not.”
“Oh? Where is my mother then?”
“I have no idea. Do you think I give a shit where she is?”
“I do. Where is she, you asshole!”
“She didn’t want you. It’s no use trying to find her.”
“You’re lying! My mother loved me. She loved me.” I choked back tears. “I’m out of here.” I stood and turned toward the door, but he yanked me back.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
Chapter Forty-Two