Page 54 of Shattered (Steel Brothers Saga 7)
Then I remembered her words from last night. Let’s see how you feel about it in the morning.
The little vixen knew.
I forced my body to move as I washed up and then stepped out of the shower. Bringing my arms above my head to towel off my hair was excruciating. I had barely struggled into my boxer briefs when her knock came at my door.
I groaned as I walked toward it and opened it.
“Morning!” she said, looking gorgeous and chipper as ever.
“Morning,” I said back through clenched teeth.
She held up the little cooler, presumably filled with protein shakes and water again. “Ready for yoga?”
“Sure.” I’d show her. I’d get through that hour on the mat if I had to wince through the whole thing. Which I’d definitely be doing. I quickly put on my shorts and muscle shirt.
“Great!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.
I had to stop myself from groaning in pain. When we opened the door to the bungalow, we were surprised to see two envelopes taped to the door. One was addressed to me, the other to Ruby.
“I wonder what this is about?” I said.
“I’ve actually been expecting something. I would imagine the resort security and the local police want to talk to us. Shayna probably told them that we saw the three guys.”
“She didn’t know our last names.”
“It probably wasn’t too hard to look up all the Ryans and Rubys at the resort. We were probably it, and we’re staying in the same place.”
I nodded. Made sense.
She glanced quickly at the paper inside the envelope. “Yes, that’s what they want. They want us to come by at eight o’clock this morning.”
“Come where?”
“To the resort security office. There’s a map here.”
I quickly opened my envelope and confirmed what Ruby said. “All right. Maybe we should skip the yoga then?” God, please let her say yes.
“Why? We don’t have to be at the office for two hours. We can do yoga, grab a quick shower, and get something to eat.”
“I thought you wanted to try to talk to Shayna this morning.”
“If she’s still here,” she said. “And I can find out when we talk to the police this morning.”
Shit. Looked like I was in for an hour of torture.
After a ten-minute walk to the greenbelt, my thighs were really whining.
Herlinda was stretching. “Good morning! Nice to see you again. Grab a mat, and I’ll see if we get any more stragglers.”
Ruby and I both grabbed mats and set them down. Ruby began stretching. My muscles balked, but I was determined.
I did a few wimpy stretches, and soon Herlinda was calling the class to order.
“Let’s start with some deep breaths in the lotus position,” she said.
The lotus position? I pulled my legs into my body with a smile plastered on my face. Inside I was grimacing with pain.