Page 40 of Shattered (Steel Brothers Saga 7)
“Honestly, I think you look great. And trust me, the body I have is a lot of work.”
“I’m no stranger to hard work. Try the r
anching life.” She laughed. “I was bound and determined to keep up with my brothers, and I did. I have a gym membership, and I go regularly. Would you mind going with me sometime? Show me the things you do? I’ll buy you lunch.”
I smiled. “You don’t have to buy me lunch. I’d be happy to show you my workouts.” I laughed. “You might want to talk to Ryan, though. I’m betting he’s going to be sore tomorrow.”
Marjorie laughed again. “He’s just being a wuss. I can take whatever you can dish out. I promise.”
I took a sip of my water and smiled. “You know? I think you could. Sure. Let’s do it. Give me a call when we get home, and we’ll set something up.” I’d never had a workout partner before. I preferred to go at my own pace. But Marjorie Steel would be able to keep up with me. I could tell just by her disposition. This woman made things happen. Nothing got in her way.
I liked her.
A blondish man approached us. “Would you ladies care to dance?”
“Not me,” Marjorie said. “I’m all danced out.” Then she arched her eyebrows at me.
The man was nice-looking. No Ryan Steel, but handsome by anyone’s standards, with sandy hair and dark eyes. He wasn’t as tall as the Steel brothers, but was easily six feet.
“I don’t think so,” I said. “But thanks.”
“I gave it a shot.” He smiled and walked away.
“Why didn’t you dance with him?” Marjorie asked.
“Didn’t feel like it, and I’m not much of a dancer.”
“Look, this might be a little forward of me, but blame it on the rum. We all know who your father is. Your life has been hard. So dance. Live a little.”
As much as I hated being reminded of my father, maybe Marjorie was right. This was a dance, not a marriage proposal. Why not? I nodded to Marjorie and then stood, walked toward the man, and touched his shoulder.
He turned.
I cleared my throat, thankful for the darkness hiding the blush on my cheeks. “Still want to dance?”
“Sure, gorgeous. Come on.”
He took my hand, and I resisted the urge to pull it away. It didn’t feel nearly as good as Ryan’s had when his hand touched mine. Though the song wasn’t overly slow, he pulled me into his body, crushing me against him.
Whoa. Panic attack coming…
Breathe, Ruby, breathe.
We were in a public place, on a dance floor. There was nothing to freak out about.
Still, he moved slowly. My breathing got back under control, but I was uncomfortable with how close he held me. Once the song was over I’d bow out politely.
But when the song ended and the next began, he didn’t let go of me, and one of his hands slid down and cupped my ass.
I pushed my hands against his chest. “Let me go.”
“Hey, gorgeous, don’t be like that. We’re just having a little fun.”
“I’m done having fun, thanks. Let me go.”
He tightened his arms around me. “Not yet. I haven’t had a taste of your gorgeous skin.” He lowered his head and touched his lips to a tender spot on my neck.