Page 11 of Shattered (Steel Brothers Saga 7)
“Cool. I’m from Cali.”
The blond hair could’ve told me that. “Whereabouts?” I asked.
“LA. I’m an actress.”
She nodded. “Actually a waitress, but I go on lots of auditions. One day I’ll get my big break.”
I nodded. Girls like her were probably a dime a dozen in California. Though she was pretty cute, I’d never been much for blondes. My only serious relationship had had brown hair. Still, Juliet wasn’t bad to look at.
“So what do you do in Colorado?”
“I make wine.”
“Wine? That seems more like California.”
“Colorado has a pretty good winemaking industry. Ever hear of Steel Acres Vineyards?”
“No. I’m sorry.”
I wasn’t surprised. Juliet didn’t really look like a wine lover. Anybody who drank Bahama Mamas the way she was sucking it down no doubt preferred something sweet.
“That’s my vineyard. I’m the winemaker there. It’s part of the Steel ranch. My brothers and sister and I all own it together.”
“Ranchers? Wow. I’ve never met someone from a ranch before.”
I wasn’t sure why she was surprised. California had plenty of ranches. Of course, the only ranches she was probably familiar with were the old Bonanza sets. She’d probably never stepped foot outside LA.
I was quickly becoming bored. Funny, I’d talked to Ruby Lee for hours on the plane ride, and I hadn’t been bored once. Now, when I was trying to pick up a woman—and Juliet was all woman—I was bored out of my mind.
“So are you here with anyone?” I asked.
She shook her head. “I’m traveling with a couple girlfriends. One of them is out to dinner right now. I’m not sure where the other is. She probably picked someone up.” Juliet giggled. “We have a system. If one of us is in the room with a guy, we put a sock on the doorknob.”
For the first time, I wondered how old Juliet was. She was acting like a sorority chick. “Do you mind if I ask how old you are?”
“I’m legal, if that’s what you mean.”
That could mean as young as eighteen. Being thirty-two, I wasn’t really interested in hooking up with a teen. Of course, that was all it would be. A hookup.
“Who are you with?” she asked.
“I’m here with my brothers. And my sister. My two brothers are getting married. We’re having a big wedding here in a couple days.”
“Oh,” she gushed. “How romantic. But are you here with a…girlfriend?”
I smiled. “Nope. I’m free as a bird.”
She lit up like a Christmas tree, the softness of the pool lights landing on her luminescent skin. It was nearing November, and even though it was still hot enough here in Jamaica to be in the pool, darkness had set in.
“I assume you have your own room?”
“I do.”
She moved forward and touched my shoulder. No sparks. Not that I expected there to be. If this would be anything at all, it would be a one-nighter. Actually, more like a one-hour-er. She was certainly pretty enough. But man… She was so young.