Page 71 of Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga 6)
Wendy came running down the stairs, the two sides of her blouse flapping. “Just where do you think you’re going?”
I turned to her. “I’m getting the hell out o
f this house. I’m going home to my wife and children.”
“No!” She launched herself into me, nearly making me lose my footing. “I’ll never let you go, Brad. Never.”
I pushed her off me, gripping her upper arms. “You don’t have a choice.”
I shoved her to the side and walked through the house, looking for a back door. When I found it, I turned the knob, and to my delight, it opened.
I gasped.
I stood facing a man in a black mask, a man with unreal blue eyes. Eyes I had seen before.
He was pointing a gun at my heart.
Chapter Thirty–One
I woke up on Jonah’s bed, a woman removing a damp cloth from my forehead. I squinted. It was Jade.
“Melanie,” she said. “Can you hear me?”
I nodded. “What happened?”
“You fainted. Talon carried you in here.”
“Did they tell you…”
“Yes.” She replaced the cloth on my head. “It’s all so unbelievable.”
Yes, it was. “Did you look at the yearbooks?”
She nodded. “Talon texted me about them, and yes, I looked at them. He’s a mess, Melanie. I’m worried about all three of them right now.”
“Talon is strong. He’ll get through it. He’s gotten through much worse. Is there any word from…”
She shook her head. “I’m so sorry. But we have the cops and Mills and Johnson on it. Plus Talon and Ryan. We’ll find him, Melanie. I promise we will.”
Jade was an attorney. She knew better than to make such a promise, just as I did as a physician. But I wouldn’t bring that to her attention. She was simply trying to make me feel better. I couldn’t fault her for that. I would be doing the same thing if our positions were reversed.
I was still a little woozy, but I sat up in bed. “I’ve made copies of all the relevant pages in the yearbooks. We have to get them back to Jordan Hayes, the receptionist at Tejon Prep School. In fact, I should call her.” I moved to stand.
“You should probably stay in bed.”
“Nonsense. I’m a doctor. This was a simple neurally mediated syncope.”
“Just a silly fainting spell caused by anxiety. Perfectly normal.”
“Have you eaten anything today?”
Had I? “I’m not sure.”
“Why don’t you let me bring you some dinner in here?” Jade said.