Page 51 of Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga 6)
“We keep copies of all of our yearbooks in the school library and the school archives. Are you two alumni?”
“No,” Jonah said. “But my uncle is. We’re trying to find some information for him.”
“We don’t normally give access to our library and archives to anyone other than current students. I can have you fill out a form to request access, but that probably won’t be necessary.” She smiled.
She was flirting with me. Melanie tensed a little beside me. I figured she would understand if I used this to my advantage.
“Oh? Would you be willing to bend the rules a little for us”—I glanced at the name on her desk—“Jordan?” I gave her my best smile.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” She batted her eyes coyly. “But all of our yearbooks are on our website. All your uncle needs to do is open an account.”
I sighed. “My uncle is…incapacitated at this time. Are you sure you can’t grant us access to the library?”
“I wish I could. It’s just not possible right now.” She nodded toward an office door marked “Principal.”
Melanie grabbed my hand. “That’s quite all right. You’ve been very helpful. Let’s go.” She pulled me out of there.
When we got outside, I said, “Are you crazy? I could’ve gotten access for us.”
“Why bother? We can open an account in Larry’s name and get the information ourselves from the website.”
“It’s not that easy, Melanie. We’ll probably need his year of graduation to get in. Or his Social Security number.”
“You’re so funny, Jonah. Jade can get all of that information for us. From the lawyers registration file in Colorado.”
“Still… I could’ve gotten in.”
“Pardon me if I don’t want to see you flirting with some bubble-headed receptionist just to get something you want. This is an easier way. We can research it at home, and no one will be looking over our shoulders.”
I squeezed her hand. “All right. You know, you’re cute when you’re jealous.”
She smiled at me. “Admit it. Part of you liked that you had her in your clutches. You wanted to see how far you could get her to go with the principal in the next office.”
“All right, I can’t fault your perception. But you’re right. Doing it in the privacy of our own home will be much easier.”
“And if it doesn’t work?” Melanie said. “I will personally accompany you back here tomorrow, and the two of us will reduce that receptionist to jelly, okay?”
I laughed.
* * *
Though we had originally been planning to eat dinner in the city, both Melanie and I were eager to get home and explore this new avenue. On the way home, Melanie called Jade at her office and got the information we needed—Larry’s date of birth and year of graduation from Tejon Prep School. When we got home, I let Lucy out while Melanie filled her food and water. Then I threw two of my home-chef-prepared frozen meals in the microwave, opened a bottle of wine, and fired up my laptop.
Melanie sat next to me, positioned so she could see the screen as well, as I typed in the correct website. I typed in Larry Wade, his birthday, and graduation year.
And jolted when it came up “nothing found.”
“Maybe his real name is Lawrence,” Melanie said.
“Good point.” I tried again.
No dice.
“Shit,” I said. “We’re going to have to see the hard copies of the yearbooks.”
“Wow, I feel bad,” Melanie said. “This was my idea.”