Page 204 of Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga 6)
“Just made them two minutes ago. Did you need me here for anything?”
“Well”—she fidgeted—“I was sort of hoping we could have dinner together.”
“We haven’t had dinner together in months, Chelsea, except when we were in Denver.”
“If we’re going to start a family, Dallas,” Chelsea said, her voice a petulant whine, “we should act like one.”
Dallas raked his fingers through his black hair. “If we’re going to start a family, Chelsea, we need to have sex more than once a month.”
“Exactly what do you mean by that?”
“What the hell do you think I mean by that? Jesus Christ. How do you expect to get pregnant when you put me off all the time? I’m a man. I have needs.”
Chelsea tapped her foo
t indignantly and tugged on her lower lip with her teeth. “Are you cheating on me?”
“Hell, no.” Dallas’s pulse raced at the accusation. “A cowboy wouldn’t do that. But I’m gettin’ damn tired of Rosie and her four friends.”
“That’s disgusting.” Chelsea grimaced.
“That’s a fact of life,” Dallas said. “Ninety-five percent of all men do it, and the other five percent lie about it.”
“Nothing funny about it from where I’m standing.”
Chelsea reddened. The color crept up her neck, into her cheeks. Her blue eyes flashed. She was a beauty, his wife, but her sparkly perfection paled in comparison to the fresh country prettiness of Dusty O’Donovan. For the first time, Dallas envied one of his brothers. He wanted Zach to be happy. Dusty had left for a reason, and Dallas meant to find out what it was.
“Don’t wait up for me,” he said, heading for the door.
“What do you need to see Chad for?”
“He’s my brother, and I want to spend some time with him.”
“I’m your wife!”
“And you haven’t indicated any interest in spending time with me until now. Sorry, I’ve already made plans.”
“Don’t you dare walk out that door, Dallas McCray.”
“Is that a threat?”
Chelsea eased back a little. “I just want to know why you’re going.”
Dallas cleared his throat. “If you must know, Chad and I are going to find out why Dusty O’Donovan left Zach.”
“Dusty O’Donovan? You’re kidding. Angelina will take care of Zach. Dusty was nothing more than a fling.”
“Angelina has backed off. She and Zach are over. And Zach is thirty years old. If this had been a fling, he’d be over it. He’s in love with her, and I want him to be happy.”
“With that piece of trailer trash?” Chelsea stomped her toe.
Dallas shook his head, disgusted. “You’re something else, Chelsea. I’m outta here. Like I said, don’t wait up.”
He closed the door on his wife’s fuming expression.
* * *