Page 181 of Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga 6)
“You are?” Angelina was being nice to her, and using her actual name? Something was definitely up.
“Of course. I was so upset to hear about your accident with the bull. Harper has talked of nothing else. He’s been so worried about you.”
“He has?” Dusty wrinkled her brow.
“Yes, he talks of nothing but you. You’ve certainly made quite an impression on him.”
“Uh…” Dusty searched for words. Angelina was up to something for sure, but Dusty wanted only to see Zach. She’d deal with Mary Ann later.
“You should be proud. Women have been chasing him for years. Who would have thought a cute little cowgirl from Montana would be the one to steal his heart?”
“Angelina, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I hardly know Harper. He and I have a business relationship. He bought my horse.”
“For Catie. Yes, I know. She’s going to love you, and I know you’ll be an excellent influence on her. You can teach her all you know about barrel racing.”
“Exactly how will I teach her from Montana?”
“You silly! I mean after you and Harper are married, of course.”
Dusty’s mouth dropped. “Excuse me?”
“I didn’t stammer, did I?”
“I’m not sure what Harper has told you, but we’re not getting married. We’re not dating. We’ve hardly had a conversation. Now if you don’t mind, I need to see Zach.”
“I suppose I’ve put the cart before the horse.” Angelina smiled. “I tend to do that. I just know you’re the one to tame my brother, though. There’s something in his eyes when he talks about you.”
“Truly, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now about Zach.”
Angelina compressed her lips into a thin line. “He’s asleep.”
Dusty walked past her. “I’ll wait if you don’t mind.”
“Actually, under the circumstances, I think—”
“Who is it, Angie?” came another female voice.
Dusty turned to see Zach’s mother, Laurie McCray. She was still tall and beautiful, her sleek black hair now salted with silver and cut into a stylish wedge.
“Dusty O’Donovan.” Laurie smiled, the laugh lines around her eyes adding character to her lovely face. “I couldn’t believe it when Zach and Chad told me you and your brother were here. Last time I saw you, you were knee high to a grasshopper. What a gorgeous woman you’ve become.”
The woman embraced Dusty and rubbed her back. Dusty trembled slightly.
“What’s the matter, sugar?” Laurie asked.
“It’s wonderful to see you again,” Dusty said. “I-I just want you to know. I never would have intentionally hurt Zach. I know this is all my fault.”
“Don’t be silly.” Laurie squeezed Dusty’s arm gently. “Zach doesn’t blame you, and neither do I. In fact, I’m quite impressed. He says you stayed on his bull for six seconds.”
“Yes, I did. But that’s not important right now. How is Zach?”
“He’s fine. Nothing keeps that boy down. He’s a little sleepy, but he’s going to be just fine.”
“I’d like to talk to him, if possible.”
“I’m sure he’d love to see you.”
“Actually,” Angelina said, “I just told Dusty he was asleep.”