Page 153 of Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga 6)
“Yeah, I recall.” The laugh lines at the edge of his eyes crinkled and made him even cuter.
Did he really remember her that well from all those years ago? “I was just a little girl. You can’t possibly remember that much about me.”
“Of course I do. You were always hanging around, running after Chad and Sam. You were cute as a button. Little tomboy, chasing grasshoppers and lizards. Animals flocked to you even then.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“Why not? You remember me, don’t you?”
“Mostly I remember you tormenting me.”
“Aw, come on. I was just teasin’. We’ve been through all that.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“You’re not going to hold that against me forever, are you, darlin’?”
She smiled at him. She couldn’t help it. He looked so adorable. “No. I won’t hold it against you.”
He took her hand, entwined their fingers together, and pulled her into his arms. “There are a few things I’ll let you hold against me, though. Your beautiful body, for instance.” He kissed her cheek and nibbled his way to her lips.
“Oh, Zach.” She sighed into his mouth. “If you start this now…”
“If you start this now, I won’t get to work with Diablo.”
He pressed his mouth to hers, ran his tongue over first her bottom lip and then her top one. The sensation was like moist butterfly wings, and she felt it everywhere, especially…
Then his tongue was in her mouth, swirling. Unable to resist, she joined in the kiss, tasting him, feasting on him. Not able to get enough of him.
“To hell with Diablo.”
He kissed her again.
She wasn’t sure she could ever get enough of him. What was it about him? She had run from him, tried to hide. Tried to rid herself of the feelings she knew would lead only to heartache. She didn’t want to run anymore. Didn’t want to hide…
Sam was judging livestock all day and wouldn’t be back until early evening. Her room was vacant. Oh, God…
“Zach?” Her tone was breathless, hoarse.
“Yeah, darlin’?”
“Take me to my hotel.”
He grabbed her hand and they raced to his pickup.
* * *
They stood outside the do
or to her room while she fished for her key card.