Page 122 of Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga 6)
The Cougar Chronicles:
The Cowboy and the Cougar
Calendar Boy
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Destination Desire
Her Two Lovers
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got style?
Discussion Questions
The theme of a story is its central idea or ideas. To put it simply, it’s what the story means. How would you characterize the theme of Surrender?
What new things are revealed about Jonah in this book? About Melanie?
A lot is revealed about Wendy Madigan in this story. Did you see this coming? Why or why not? Do you think she’s telling the truth?
Discuss what you know so far about Jonah and Talon’s father, Bradford Steel. What might have motivated him to act the way he did? Do the things he did? What kind of man was he? What might be revealed about him next?
Do you think Jonah suffers from depression? Why or why not?
Discuss Jonah’s dungeon. Do you think his brothers know the extent of his involvement in the BDSM lifestyle? Why did he keep the dungeon? Why didn’t he get his key back from Kerry?
Do you still think Gina killed herself? Or was she murdered? Who might have murdered her? Is there a chance she’s still alive?
How do you feel about Melanie’s initial decision to shred Gina’s letter?
If Jonah hadn’t received Melanie’s text, what might he have done when he went back to the hospital to confront Colin’s accusation?
Discuss the character of Ruby Lee. What characteristics does she possess? What will her role be in the next story?
Discuss the future lawmakers club. Why did Theodore Mathias (alias Nico Kostas) found the club? What do you think the original goal of the club was?
How do you feel about Melanie’s pregnancy? Will she and Jonah be good parents?
Discuss Tom Simpson, the iceman. Why does Jonah call him an iceman? Why does he commit suicide rather than face what he’s done?
How will Bryce and his mother deal with Tom’s death?
How do you feel about Melanie and Jonah’s sexual relationship and the turns it took in Surrender? Will it make both of them happy?
Surrender marks the end of Jonah and Melanie’s journey, at least as far as their relationship is concerned. Like Talon and Jade, they will reappear in the coming books, but the focus will be on Ryan. It’s always sad to say good-bye to a couple, but I’m excited to share Ryan’s story with all of you.
Thanks so much to my amazing editors, Celina Summers and Michele Hamner Moore. Your guidance and suggestions were, as always, invaluable. Thank you to my line editor, Scott Saunders, and my proofreaders, Jenny Rarden, Lia Fairchild, Amy Grishman, and Chrissie Saunders. Thank you to all the great people at Waterhouse Press—Meredith, David, Kurt, Shayla, Jon, Yvonne, Jeanne, and Robyn. The cover art for this series is beyond perfect, thanks to Meredith and Yvonne.
Special thanks to David, Jon, and Meredith for your unwavering belief in me and my work. Hitting #1 on the New York Times list is every author’s dream, and you made it come true for me. Words cannot express my appreciation.