Page 110 of Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga 6)
“He did. But not the way you went through it. Don’t try to equate the two situations because they’re very different.”
“I just wanted to…” He raked his hands through his hair. “I wanted to be strong. To face Larry. I needed to prove to myself that I was ready. Ready to marry Jade and to be…normal.”
I smiled and patted his hand. “What you’re feeling is normal, Talon. So very normal.”
“You know what I mean, Doc.”
“Yes. I do. But what is normal? You’re happy. You’re healthy. You’re in love. That’s pretty normal.”
That got a laugh out of him. “You always make everything so clear.”
“That’s my job.” I smiled.
“Sorry to interrupt your day. I should text Joe and let him know where I am. Do you have anything you need to be doing?”
I looked at my watch. “Yeah. I’m meeting Detective Lee for a drink in a half hour. She and I need to talk about what she found out from Rodney Cates. I had to leave in the middle of our conversation with him when I heard from Jonah. You want to tag along?”
“Nah, that’s okay. I’ll see if Joe’s still in town. If not, I’ll take a cab home.”
“A cab all the way to Snow Creek? That’s expensive.”
He let out a guffaw. “One day you’ll understand Steel money, Doc.”
I smiled timidly. “Maybe. I’ve always been so frugal. And you know, just because you have money doesn’t mean you should waste it.”
“Getting a ride home is hardly a waste of money, Doc. See you back at the ranch.”
* * *
Ruby sat across from me at a local bar, dressed as usual, though this time her Dockers were black, not khaki. Still the same white Oxford shirt, with only one button undone. Hair pulled back severely. Not a touch of makeup.
She was a naturally pretty woman with a wonderful figure. Better boobs than I had and curvier around the butt too. Plus a few inches shorter than I. Not nearly as gawky.
“Were you able to find out anything about the future lawmakers club?” I took a sip of my mineral water.
“He clammed up like you wouldn’t believe,” Ruby said. “Actually cried. Said they’d kill him if he said anything. Said they were into some nasty shit, but I couldn’t get him to give me any details. But I did find out one thing.”
“They had a financier. A backer. A fellow member of the club.”
My heart sank. A member of the club who had the kind of money to back their activities. Who else? “Bradford Steel.”
Chapter Forty–Six
The guard approached us. “Time’s up.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I stood. “Can we have a few more minutes? I was just getting him to talk.”
Larry stood. “Just as well. I need to keep my big mouth shut.”
The guard led him away just as my phone buzzed. Talon. “Hey, Tal.”
“You still in town?”
“Yeah, just finishing up with Larry.”