Page 102 of Surrender (Steel Brothers Saga 6)
“Marj, anything you want to tell us?” Jonah said.
She laughed. “I volunteered to take Henry for the day. Bryce wanted to go to the city to see his mother.”
“Never thought I’d see you holding a baby like that,” Jonah said.
“He’s such a good little guy. He’s going to be walking before we know it.”
“Where’s Ryan?” I asked.
“He’s running late. Told us to start without him,” Talon said.
“Well, then,” Jonah said. “What’s the news that can’t wait?”
Jade held out her hand. On it sparkled a gorgeous solitaire diamond.
I smiled and looked at Talon. “So you finally did it.”
“Yeah. She’s stuck with me now,” Talon said.
“It’s absolutely beautiful,” I said. But then my heart sank just a little. It hadn’t occurred to me the previous evening, but Jonah hadn’t said anything about marriage when I told him I might be pregnant. Although he had seemed very happy about the possibility of a baby. Was he planning for us to live together our whole lives and raise our child? I didn’t know. Right now I needed to be happy for Talon and Jade. This was a huge step for Talon, one he had been considering taking for a while. I was glad he’d finally done it.
“This is awesome, Tal,” Jonah said. “When’s the big day?”
“As soon as possible as far as I’m concerned,” Talon said. “But of course Jade wants a big wedding.”
“No, my mother wants a big wedding,” Jade said. “I would like to go to Jamaica.”
“Wow, Jamaica. That would be amazing,” Jonah said. “In fact, the doc and I might just tag along with you.”
“We should all go,” Jade said. “How long has it been since the two of you had a real vacation?” She looked to Talon.
“Vacation? I’m not sure I know the meaning of the word,” Jonah said, laughing. “But with all the things going on—”
“With all that going on,” Talon said, “we could all use a goddamned long vacation. I’ve been taking so much advantage of my men that I feel kind of bad about leaving on vacation. But damn, I could use one.”
“Yeah, and one in Jamaica. The beach is…” Jonah sighed. “It’s been so long since I’ve been to a beach.”
“Joe loves the water,” Talon said to Jade.
“Then it’s settled,” Jade said. “I don’t care what Brooke Bailey wants. We are all going to Jamaica, and you and I will get married there.”
Jonah looked at me, his eyes full of love. “How would you feel about a double wedding?”
My heart nearly melted as my skin warmed. Love bubbled through me. I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t say anything.
“Damn,” Jonah said. “It was never my idea to propose marriage in front of my entire family. That just slipped out.”
Was he proposing only because of the baby? That wasn’t what I wanted. I touched his arm. “You know I may not be—”
He placed his hand over my lips. “Melanie, it doesn’t matter. I’ll never love another woman. Will you be my wife?”
I looked around the room. Talon, Jade, and Marjorie were all wide-eyed.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I asked.
He smiled at me, his eyes glowing. “More sure than I’ve ever been about anything, ever.”
I smiled ear to ear. “Then yes, Jonah. I would love to marry you.”