Page 89 of Burn (Steel Brothers Saga 5)
When my orgasm finally started to subside, I withdrew, still in my boots, my jeans and boxers around my thighs. My beautiful woman was naked, glistening with a sheen of perspiration. And I hadn’t even bothered to take off my clothes.
Would it always be like this with Melanie? I couldn’t wait to take two minutes to disrobe before I had to fuck her?
We’d been together for weeks now, but my passion and desire increased every time we were together.
I longed to show more of the darker side of my desires.
But not now.
As long as I could have her, I would turn away from my baser instincts.
Because I might not have her for much longer.
Chapter Thirty–Four
I rolled over onto my back and looked at Jonah. He was gorgeous, his finely sculpted face shining with sweat, his wavy hair plastered against his forehead, his black-and-gray stubble glistening.
I smiled. “Maybe you should get undressed.”
He returned my smile and sat down on the bed, pulling his boots and socks off. He made quick work of the rest of his clothes and then lay down beside me. I looked into his dark eyes, alive with fire.
“Would you tell me about…what you like?”
He closed his eyes and let out a groan. “I like what we just did together. It’s wonderful with you.”
“I believe you. I see it in your eyes and I can feel it when you want me. And believe me when I say it’s exactly the same for me. Absolutely wonderful. But I know there’s a side of you that you haven’t shown me. I want to know all of you.”
He sighed and then turned on his side to face me. “Sweetheart, I love you. I’ve never said that to a woman and meant it like I do with you. Hell, I’ve only said it to one other woman in my life, when I was young. During a summer fling after high school.”
“You’ve never dated anybody seriously?”
He shook his head. “I’ve had my share of conquests, and I’ve had a few girlfriends over the years. But I didn’t fall for any of them, and they eventually left me. Sex was fun. Dating was sort of fun, but nothing like what I feel for you.”
I looked at him seriously. “Did any of them do…those things you like to do?”
He smiled. “Most of them did, yes. But I was never serious about any of them. I never collared anyone.”
He cleared his throat. “Bound them to me formally. As my submissive.”
I swallowed. Submissive. I knew the term. And I knew what it meant. Sort of. “Where did you meet them?” I wasn’t sure I really wanted to hear the answer to that question.
“Here and there.”
“That’s not an answer. Did you meet them online?”
“Oh, hell, no. I would never do online dating.”
I wouldn’t either, although I had considered it. The truth was, I hadn’t had anyone serious in my life for a while either. Same as Jonah, I’d dated here and there, but nothing ever came of any of it, and truth be told, I’d never said “I love you” to any of them.
“So where did you meet them then?” I prodded.
“There’s…a club. A club in the city where the leather community hangs out.”
I gasped, and then felt really stupid for doing so. I wasn’t so naïve that I thought there were no such things as sex clubs. I knew better. But I had lived in Grand Junction for the last fifteen years. I knew it like the back of my hand. Where the hell was the sex club?