Page 104 of Burn (Steel Brothers Saga 5)
“Sorry to interrupt.”
He set the book down. “You’re not. I’ve read the same fucking page twenty times. I’m trying to get my mind off of my dad, but I’m not having much luck.”
“Your mom doesn’t look good,” I said. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s taking its toll on her. And me. Thank God for Henry, or I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything.”
Again the baby. I was really glad that Bryce had Henry. Evelyn too.
“So no news on him, then?”
Bryce shook his head. “None. I’ve got some PIs on the job. Thanks again for the loan.”
“Don’t worry about it. And it wasn’t a loan. It was a gift.”
“I don’t take charity, man.”
“It’s not charity, and you know it. I have more than I need. If I can help my oldest friend in the world, I’m going to do it.”
His PIs wouldn’t find Tom, though. Mills and Johnson hadn’t unearthed him yet, and they were the highest paid investigators I’d ever come across. They’d get him eventually. I had no doubt.
“Thanks, bro. I will pay you back, but you’re the best.”
You’re the best. Would he still think that after I dropped the bomb that was hovering over his head?
“Hey,” I said. “You want to go over to Murphy’s and have a drink?”
“Nah, not much in the mood. But if you want something, I’m always pouring.”
“No, I’m good.” I just didn’t want to have this talk with him with his mother inside the house.
But since he wasn’t moving, and since I wasn’t leaving his presence until this was done, I was going to do it whether I liked it or not.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while now.” I drew my gaze away from Bryce. How could I look my best friend in the eye? How could I look anyone in the eye and tell him that his father was a maniacal child molester iceman?
And of course I had no solid proof, other than Tom Simpson’s birthmark. That was proof enough to me, and I knew it would be for Talon. But for Bryce?
“I know, bro. Seems like there hasn’t been a lot of time for us to get together. We keep getting interrupted.”
I’d been happy for those interruptions. They had given me a reprieve from this job I faced now. Something I could no longer put off.
“I know. I’ve been focused on the ranch, not to mention Talon’s situation. And Melanie.”
“That’s great. I’m happy for you, man. You seem to have something very special with her.”
I nodded. “I do.” Another truth I had to tell. I hoped my relationship with Melanie would survive when I told her that I had neglected her phone call the day she was taken.
“So what is it you want to talk about? Need advice on your love life?” Bryce chuckled.
God, I wished it were that simple. “This is pretty serious, Bryce.”
“All right. You’re freaking me out a little.”
“I’m afraid you’re going to be more freaked out by the time I’m done.”
Bryce clenched the book he was holding. “Okay, now you’re scaring me.”
Scared? He should be scared. He’d been living with a psychopath a lot of his life.