Page 41 of Melt (Steel Brothers Saga 4)
“Well”—she cleared her throat—“don’t be shy. Please, help yourself.”
“Ladies first. Give me your plate.”
She looked at me oddly as she handed it to me. Was she not used to chivalry? There was a lot I didn’t know about Melanie Carmichael. I aimed to find it all out.
I gave her a healthy portion of chicken, brown rice, and a spring roll and handed the plate back to her.
“Thank you,” she said, flushing.
Oh, how I loved to make this one blush. Those raspberry cheeks bloomed as fresh as a pink rose.
I quickly served myself and then picked up my glass of wine. “To us.”
She blushed again, more red than pink this time. “Us?”
“Sure, why not? I’m here, you’re here, we just had some amazing sex, and now we’re sitting down to a nice dinner. To us.”
She timidly raised her glass and murmured, “To us,” not quite looking me in the eye.
I took a sip of the wine. “Zinfandel?” I asked.
“Well, yeah.” She smiled. “It’s sitting right there on the table.”
“I haven’t looked at the bottle yet.” I pulled it toward me and turned it to read the label. “So I got it right. Ryan would be proud of me.”
“Yes, he’s the wine connoisseur in your family.”
I chuckled. “You have me at a severe disadvantage, don’t you? You know a lot about my family and a lot about me from your sessions with Talon. I have a lot of catching up to do to find out as much about you.”
“Me? I’m an open book.”
I couldn’t help a loud laugh that time. “Melanie, an open book you’re not. You are so closed off, you’re not just a closed book. You’re shrink-wrapped. Tell me, what’s eating at you?”
She cast her gaze downward.
Knife in gut. I felt really bad. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. After you made me dinner and everything.”
“Let’s eat. You don’t want your food to get cold, do you?”
Wow, she really was timid. And I thought I was closed off. I decided to leave it for now and just enjoy her company.
“This is good wine. I like a good Zin. I’ll bring you a bottle of Ryan’s Zin sometime. It’s great. He’s a master winemaker.”
She raised her eyes and met my gaze. Then she gave me a small smile. “I do enjoy a good bottle of wine.”
“Anything to get a smile out of you.” I smiled back. “You’re very beautiful when you smile.”
She closed her eyes, her long brown lashes lying against her creamy skin, and then opened them. Demurely.
My groin tightened again. She truly had no idea what she did to me, probably what she did to all men.
I took a bite of my chicken and decided to stop talking. Maybe then she would talk. But she seemed comfortable in silence. And the funny thing was, I was comfortable as well. Just being with her was comfortable. I didn’t feel like I had to make small talk. I loved that about her, because God, I hated small talk.
The food was good for takeout. I cleaned my plate in no time and helped myself to a second serving, first asking Melanie if she wanted any. She shook her head.
I topped off her wine glass and refilled mine. “You say you like a good bottle of wine. What’s your favorite?”
“I like all of it. Red and white. I guess I prefer red over white if I have to choose, but I like it all. My favorite of all is a good aged Cabernet Sauvignon.”