Page 76 of Possession (Steel Brothers Saga 3)
“Why do you think he made that suggestion? I mean, to take out the policy and make him the beneficiary.”
“Well, it was his idea to take out the policy because I’m not getting any younger, so it was a good idea to get life insurance now while there were no issues.”
“Okay, that actually makes sense. But no one is depending on you, Mom. Dad and I are self-supporting. When there’s no one depending on you, there’s no reason to take out insurance on your life.”
“Well, it made sense to me. I could get the policy now, and it’s amazing how cheap term life is from some companies.”
“So you decided to get the policy, and he wanted you to make him the beneficiary?”
She shook her head. “Oh, no, that was my idea.”
I arched my eyebrows. Her idea? “Yes. He suggested you, Jade. Or your father.”
“Then why didn’t you choose one of us?”
“I did. I chose you. But then I started thinking that the one rock in my life for the last several months had been Nico.”
“The last several months? You named a man your beneficiary when you’d only known him a few months? Not even a year?”
“Well, yes. After I chose you, Nico and I talked about the future. He told me he loved me and that he planned for us to live our lives together, and that maybe, since we were going to be married anyway, it might make more sense to make him the beneficiary. Then we wouldn’t have to change it later.”
“A-ha. So it was his idea after all.”
“Oh, no. It was my decision.”
And once again, my mother had been played by a man. It wasn’t bad enough that her second husband had sucked her dry of all of her life savings. Now this lying jerk had come to suck the life out of her, literally. But I couldn’t press it right now. She was clearly getting tired.
“All right. I understand.” I didn’t, but what good would it do to let her know that? “I think we’ve talked enough. You need some rest.”
She closed her eyes and sighed. “I’m so sorry, Jade. For everything. When Nico comes back, he’ll explain it all to you.”
When Nico comes back. My poor mother. Still as naïve as the day she was born.
“I’m sure he will. Don’t worry about it, Mom. Right now, all you have to worry about is getting rest so you can heal properly.”
When she had drifted off to sleep, I went back out to the waiting area and told my father about our conversation.
“He’s a slippery fellow, that Nico, huh?” my father said.
“He seems to be. I wish she could see him for what he is.”
“When he doesn’t come back, she’ll have no choice but to see it.”
“I just don’t understand.”
“Well, your mother has two faults. The first one is that she is as vain as they come.”
I let out a laugh. “Really? Hadn’t noticed that.”
“Second one is that she has a hard time seeing people for who they really are. It happened with that second husband of hers, and now it’s clearly happening with this Nico. You see, they both showered her with affection, compliments, gifts, and she falls for it every time. That’s why she and I never worked.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, there’s no doubt Brooke is beautiful. She was a knockout when I met her, Jade. Amazing. But I saw beneath her looks. I knew she wasn’t perfect, and I loved her anyway. I never made her flaws any secret. But she didn’t want to be a real person in my eyes. She wanted to be a princess, a beautiful woman who had no flaws—she wanted to be Brooke Bailey, supermodel—and that’s how she wanted me to feel about her.”
“But you loved her.”
“I did. I loved her. Flaws and all. But she couldn’t accept that I saw her flaws.”