Page 40 of Possession (Steel Brothers Saga 3)
“I’ve talked to Judge Gonzalez over at the courthouse. She’s informed me how well you’ve taken care of Larry’s cases, having been thrown into them with virtually no preparation.”
Really? After the dressing down she’d given me? “Thank you. I’ve already made arrangements to keep apprised of everything on the city’s docket, just in case something like this happens again.”
“I’m glad you’ve done that. It’ll make your transition a little easier.”
“I appreciate your confidence in me, Mayor Simpson.”
He smiled. “Please, call me Tom. We don’t stand on ceremony around a small town like Snow Creek.” He stood. “Oh, and by the way, there’s a $10,000 pay raise in it for you.”
“Wow. Thank you. I do appreciate that, though it’s not necessary.”
“Well, we certainly wish it could be more, Jade, but as you know we’re a small town. The city attorney is normally an elected position, although I appointed Larry when the previous city attorney retired in the middle of his term. If you choose to run when the current term is up, you may certainly do so. If you’re elected by the people, you will get substantially more.”
I did some rapid calculations in my head. That new car was coming closer and closer. I secretly hoped Larry would stay away for a long time.
“When is the term up?”
“Next year.”
“Well, I’m sure he will be back soon.”
“That won’t affect your position, Jade. Unless he has a damned good reason for taking off, I intend to see his resignation when he returns.”
“You do know, Mayor…er…Tom, that I’m a brand-new attorney.”
“Yes, I’m aware of your credentials. But as I said, Judge Gonzalez has been highly complementary of your performance the last couple days. And we are a small town. It won’t take you long to get up to speed on everything.” He smiled and stood. “I’ll let you get back to your work.” He turned and left my office.
I leaned back in my chair. Was this a good thing or bad thing?
Common sense told me it was a good thing. I could take over as city attorney. I could whip this office into shape. There would be no more ethics-bending with me in charge. Plus, it was a pay raise, and I could certainly use the money. The sooner I got together a down payment for a new car, the sooner I could move into a better place. Plus my student loans were coming due anytime now. Yes, all in all, this was a good thing.
So why were the hairs on the back of my neck standing up?
Chapter Twelve
I was going to have to give poor Axel a raise. He was a great foreman at the orchard, and I had not been pulling my weight lately, always driving into Grand Junction for therapy. Today was no different, although I had gone in early to meet with Robert Prendergast, also known as Biker Bob, who was the designer of the infamous phoenix tattoo that Jade wanted to have inked on her body for all time. Despite my throwing a few more Benjis his way, he hadn’t been able to find the records of who he had done the tattoo on twenty-five or so years ago.
Now, here I sat in the dreaded hunter-green recliner, gripping its arms as usual. “It’s strange,” I said to Dr. Carmichael. “I’ve been coming here now for what…several weeks? I’ve had countless sessions. And still, I dread this each time.” I looked up at her. “No offense.”
She chuckled. “No offense taken. Therapy isn’t easy, Talon. I’m sure you know by now it’s no walk in the park. It’s normal to dread your sessions. But tell me, how do you feel after you’ve had a good session?”
“I feel…” How did I feel? I had never really stopped to think about it. I’d been living in a haze for so long. My times with Jade were the only times I was even close to at peace. But when I considered it, thought about how I felt, especially after that session where I finally admitted that I had been raped, a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. “Honestly, I can’t say I feel good exactly, but I feel that I’m carrying less of a burden. Does that make sense?”
She smiled. “It makes perfect sense. And as we move forward, you will feel good eventually when you leave here. I promise.”
I hoped she was rig
ht. I could really go for feeling good. The only times I felt good were with Jade, and she wouldn’t be around forever.
Or would she?
“Do you think I’m capable of having a real relationship?”