Page 25 of Possession (Steel Brothers Saga 3)
I stood up quickly, knocking over my coffee. “God, I’m so sorry.”
The nurse smiled. “Happens all the time up here. I can only let one of you in right now.”
I looked to my father.
“You go, Jade. She’s your mother.”
I nodded and followed the nurse. My mother was still hooked up to all the machines, and her eyes were still slits, though the swelling had gone down quite a bit. Amazing what a difference a day made.
“She looks the same.”
“She’s conscious. Just
say hello to her. Tell her you’re here.”
I took my mother’s hand. “Mom?”
Her eyes fluttered just a touch.
“Mom, it’s Jade. I’m here. You’ve been in an accident, but you’re going to be okay.”
Her eyelids fluttered again, and her lips started to move. I couldn’t make out anything she was saying.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to try to speak. Just know that I’m here. Dad is here too. Everything’s going to be fine.”
She moved her lips again, and one word croaked out. “Nico.”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes in front of the nurse. Her daughter was here, her ex-husband was here, but the only person she wanted was the guy we hadn’t seen head nor tail of since the first night.
“Nico will be here soon, Mom.” It was most likely a damned lie, but I didn’t want to upset her.
Her eyes flickered closed. I squeezed her hand, but there was no more response.
“It looks like she’s drifted out of consciousness again,” the nurse said, “but this was an excellent sign. The doctors are very happy with her progress.”
I let out a sigh of relief. “Can I let my dad come in?”
“He’s welcome to come in for a few minutes, but she’s no longer conscious.”
I went back to my dad and told him what happened.
“I’d like to meet this Nico,” he said.
“I’m sure he’ll turn up sooner or later,” I said. “A bad penny always does.”
* * *
I was exhausted when I got to work the next morning. My dad had driven me back to Snow Creek at nine o’clock last night, and then he drove back to Grand Junction, where he was staying at a motel. I said a quick hello to Michelle and David and then sat down at my desk and checked my calendar for the day’s events. I had a city council executive session this afternoon, but for now I was free. I took care of some administrative crap and then continued my investigation. I had fired up the Internet when Michelle poked her head into my office.
“Have you heard from Larry today?”
I shook my head. “No. I haven’t seen him since Friday.” The ghost of him standing in the hallway talking to Nico drifted into my head. I was sure it had been Larry, though he hadn’t been wearing shorts and flip-flops as he had been when I’d last seen him at the office. Of course, it had been near midnight when I saw him at the hospital.
“He hasn’t called in, and I can’t reach him on his cell or home phone. He’s due in court in ten minutes, Jade. Can you cover?”