Page 10 of Possession (Steel Brothers Saga 3)
Brain injury? “Oh my God.”
Talon squeezed my hand.
“Luckily she was wearing her seat belt. Otherwise she’d be dead.”
“Why didn’t the airbag…” I couldn’t wrap my mind around this.
“We don’t know, ma’am. Airbags aren’t foolproof.”
“Who was she with?”
“A man. Nico Kostas. He’s up in the surgery waiting area, I think.”
“That’s her boyfriend.” I breathed. “They had no record of her at admissions.”
“They should. Though sometimes it takes a little while for our databases to update. She was admitted about two hours ago. We called the person in her wallet identified as an emergency contact. A Brian Roberts.”
“That’s my father. He’s driving up tomorrow. He lives in Denver.”
“You two can wait with her friend up in surgery. Come on. I’ll have someone take you up there.”
Talon rose and helped me up. We followed the nurse to an orderly. The young man took us up the elevator and
across a hall to a waiting area.
Nico sat, his head in his hands. He wore a navy-blue tailored suit and a black-and-red tie, which was still tied at his neck. Shiny black leather shoes. I approached him.
“Nico, hello.”
He looked up. “Brooke’s daughter?”
“Yes, Jade.”
“Of course. Jade. My mind isn’t working very well at the moment.”
“I understand.” I looked to Talon. “This is my—” My what? My friend? That would be insulting. My boyfriend? We weren’t in high school. My lover? “Talon Steel.”
Nico turned and regarded Talon for a moment before holding out his hand.
“Nico Kostas.” He shook Talon’s hand and then raked his fingers through his coal-black hair.
“What happened?” I asked.
Nico shook his head. “It’s all a blur. We were driving down Stetler Road after dinner. It was quiet, and all of a sudden out of nowhere, a truck plowed into our lane and hit us head on. The other driver wasn’t injured at all, like me. I don’t understand what could have happened with the airbag. I…” He squeezed his eyes shut, and a tear emerged.
“It’s not your fault,” I said, hoping I was speaking the truth.
He opened his eyes. “I’m glad you’re here. I can’t stay any longer. I have to catch a flight back to Des Moines, and I’m already running late.”
“You mean you aren’t staying?” Did he care so little about my mother?
“I wish I could. But I can’t get out of this. Brooke will understand.”
Maybe Brooke would, but I sure as hell didn’t. “Fine. Have a good flight.” I took a seat.
Talon sat down beside me as Nico left the waiting area.
“Nice guy, huh?” I said to Talon.