Page 1 of Possession (Steel Brothers Saga 3)
“Hello, Wendy,” I said into the receiver. “This is Jade Roberts again from Snow Creek.”
A heavy sigh whooshed through the phone line and into my ears. “What can I do for you, Jade?”
“You can tell me about the relationship between Larry Wade and Daphne Steel.”
Silence for a few moments. Then, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I have reason to believe that Larry Wade and Daphne Steel were half-brother and half-sister.”
And again, silence.
“Look, Wendy, I know you don’t want to get involved in this, but I care about the Steels.”
“You’re just doing Larry’s dirty work.”
“Yes, and no. I’m researching them for him for classified reasons, but as you know, I have my own agenda.”
More silence.
“Why did someone tamper with Daphne’s birth certificate and marriage certificate? Why didn’t anyone think to change her father’s first and middle names while they were in there?”
“I’m not sure what tree you’re barking up, Jade, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Look, I’m not stupid. The last name on Daphne’s marriage certificate is Wade. Her birth certificate notes that her father’s name is Jonathan Conrad Warren. Larry Wade’s father is Jonathan Conrad Wade.”
Another heavy sigh. “Well, you’re the attorney,” she said. “Piece together the evidence.”
“I already have pieced it together. What I want to know is why.”
“I’m afraid I can’t tell you that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not sure I know myself.”
I didn’t believe her, of course. In my mind’s eye, I saw her stroking her cheek with her index finger. But I wasn’t ready to pack up everything and fly out to talk to her again if she wasn’t willing to cooperate.
“All right, Wendy. I understand. If you ever feel differently about things, please call me. You have my number.”
We said our goodbyes and ended the call.
I shifted my focus to a couple of DUIs for the remainder of the day. I was due in court in the morning for arraignments. Besides, I had to let go of the Steels for a few hours. As much as I loved Talon and the rest of his family, I needed to escape it all, if only for a few hours. This research was taking its toll.
When I finished work on the DUIs, I got on the Internet to look at tattoo shops in Grand Junction. Maybe I’d drive into the city over the weekend and check one of them out. Maybe find a new image. One that wouldn’t upset Talon so much.
I was sipping from a bottle of water when Larry stuck his head inside my office.
“I’m taking off early, Jade,” he said. “Did you need anything before I go?”
I pushed some documents across my desk. “Just your signature on these.”
“Sure, no problem.” He entered my office, clad in shorts, a Hawaiian-print shirt, flip-flops.
“Going to the beach?” I smiled.
“I wish. Nope, just taking the grandkids out for the afternoon. Do you have any plans for the weekend?”
“I might go into the city.”
“Yeah, what for?”