Page 92 of Obsession (Steel Brothers Saga 2)
I checked my watch as I stood outside the courtroom with Talon’s attorney, Peter O’Keefe. Colin hadn’t shown up yet, for which I was grateful, but neither had Talon.
“Have you been in touch with your client?” I asked O’Keefe.
He nodded. “Yes. We’ve been exchanging e-mails, and I texted him half an hour ago as a reminder.”
Just then, Talon emerged at the head of the stairs and walked toward us. I breathed an audible sigh of relief.
“Cutting it a little close, aren’t you?” O’Keefe said.
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
He looked like hell. Though he was wearing a navy-blue suit, it was wrinkled and untidy. His blue-and-black striped tie was crooked, and his hair was a tousled mess. A tousled sexy mess, actually, but this was a courtroom. His eyelids were droopy and his eyes caved-in, like he hadn’t slept in weeks. And even though I knew he didn’t sleep, he didn’t look normal to me.
I simply nodded. I needed to act impartial during these proceedings for Talon’s sake.
I looked at my watch again. We were first on the docket. We should get in there.
I was still on edge. Would Colin show up and wreak havoc? I wouldn’t put it past him.
I sat on the prosecution side, and Talon and his attorney sat on the other side. Within a minute, the bailiff entered.
“All rise. Municipal Court of the city of Snow Creek is now in session. The Honorable Alayna Gonzales presiding.”
The judge walked in, sat down at her bench, and took a seat.
“You may be seated,” the bailiff said. “First case on the docket is People versus Talon Steel.”
I moved to the prosecution’s table while Talon and O’Keefe moved to the defense. I remained standing. “Jade Roberts for the city, your honor.”
“Peter O’Keefe for the defense.”
“Mr. Steel,” Judge Gonzalez said, “I understand you wish to enter a plea bargain in this case.”
“Yes,” Talon said.
O’Keefe nudged him.
“Your honor.”
I cleared my throat. “Your honor, the city is willing to accept a plea bargain for reckless endangerment along with a five-hundred-dollar fine and reasonable restitution paid to the alleged victim in this case.” Who still hadn’t shown up, thank God.
“And this is agreeable to you, Mr. Steel?”
“Yes, your honor.”
“Since the defendant has no prior arrests on record, I see no reason not to approve this plea bargain. Counselors, I’ll leave you two to work out the details. This case is dismissed.” She pounded her gavel on the wooden surface.
My heart was beating a mile a minute.
Colin hadn’t shown up, thank God.
I didn’t have any other cases today, so I was done here. I had to go back to the office and work a full day though. And first thing on my agenda was finding copies of all the news articles that Marj and I had looked at the d
ay before.
I moved over to the defense table and shook O’Keefe’s hand. “Thank you. It was a pleasure working with you, Mr. O’Keefe.”