Page 8 of Obsession (Steel Brothers Saga 2)
My sister’s voice. Shit.
A few seconds later, Marj stormed into the family room. “So there you are. It might interest you to know that I just finished an hour-long conversation with Jade. How could you be so cruel?”
My sister, being ten years younger than I, didn’t know anything about those horrific events twenty-five years ago. My mother had been pregnant with her at the time.
“What did she say?”
“Nothing I care to repeat. But she’s coming back tomorrow.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but she held up a hand.
“Don’t bother. She will not come back to the house. Oh, I wanted her to, but she refused. Because of you, apparently. She’s going to stay in the hotel in town until she can find a nice apartment.”
Emotions thick as syrup gushed through me. I was being pulled two ways. Joy that Jade would be returning warred with the iron-clawed horror of my past that would ultimately come between us. Relief that she wouldn’t be at the house, a constant temptation for me, brawled with heart-wrenching anguish that she would not be where I could see her every day.
My sister was still running off at the mouth. “If you ever come between my best friend and me again, Talon, I swear to God I will never speak to you again.” She turned to face Ryan. “And you either.”
“Hey, what did I do?” Ryan asked.
“The two of you and Joe are hiding something. My guess is Jade stumbled upon it, or maybe we both did when we found those documents the other night. Whatever it is you’re trying to keep from me, I will find it. Do not underestimate me.” Marjorie turned with a huff and walked out of the family room.
Ryan pursed his lips. “I really don’t like where this is headed, bro.”
I threaded my fingers through my dark hair. Neither did I.
Chapter Four
“It’s not the Ritz, but it’s better than the place I stayed last night.”
Marjorie looked at me, her eyes wide. “Where did you stay last night? Or do I want to know?”
“Some little fleabag called Crazy Hearts Motel.”
Marj shook her head. “Oh, Jade, that is the worst. They rent rooms by the hour there, and I’ve heard they have a bedbug problem.”
Crap. Now I was itching all over. Psychosomatic. Had to be. “I’m trying to save for a down payment on a car, Marj.”
Marj wrapped her arms around me. “As long as I am on this earth, you never have to stay in a place like that. You read me?”
“You know I hate taking advantage of people.”
“You are my best friend in the whole world. I want you to take advantage of me. What’s mine is yours.”
I smiled, my eyes dewing up a bit. Marjorie truly was the best friend in the world. Even though she was a spoiled prima donna in some ways, she was one of the most giving people I knew. I had no doubt she’d give me the shirt off her back if I needed it. I sat down on the queen-size bed in the modest room of the Snow Creek Inn. I could deal with this for a couple days until I found an apartment.
Marj sat down beside me. “Well, it’s Sunday, and as you know, nothing’s open in a small town. First thing tomorrow, you and I go apartment hunting.”
I laughed. “First thing tomorrow, I have to go to work. I never actually got the chance to quit my job, and now I’m glad I didn’t.”
Marj give me a friendly punch in the arm. “Touché. Then tomorrow morning, I will start apartment hunting for you.”
Yes, Marj was a giving person. However, I wasn’t sure that her idea of a suitable apartment for me would match my own. She’d no doubt find someone luxurious place I couldn’t afford. “That would be really nice if you did that. It will certainly save me a lot of time. But you know I can only afford the bare minimum. I need to save for a car and my student loan payments start next month.” I shuddered to think of the large payment that would be sucked from my checking account.
“All of this would be a moot point if you would come back to the house.”
I vehemently shook my head. “I can’t.”