Page 5 of Obsession (Steel Brothers Saga 2)
“Jade, a red rose—a single red rose—means love. Talon loves you.”
My cell phone slipped from my hand and clattered to the floor, my heart pounding.
“…where he got a rose?” Marj was saying when I got the phone back to my ear.
“Sorry, what?” My hands shook.
“I’m wondering where he got a rose. We don’t grow roses anywhere on the ranch.”
I was still stuck on the “Talon loves you.” Sweat coated my palms. I stayed silent.
Finally, Marj went on. “I want you to come back. Come back tomorrow morning, okay?”
“I can’t,” I said, still trembling.
“Why the hell not? This is my house too, goddamnit.”
I still hadn’t quit my job at the Snow Creek city attorney’s office. I had planned to call my boss, Larry Wade, on Monday. Tomorrow was Sunday. Going back to Snow Creek would keep me from having to find a new job in the city. Plus, I could use all the investigative tools at the city attorney’s office to do some sleuthing of my own. But I couldn’t go back and live in Marj’s house, not with Talon right down the hall. Whatever the rose meant, it didn’t mean he loved me. He didn’t want me there, and I couldn’t do that to myself. Constantly seeing him, wanting him—it would be easier to rip my heart out of my chest with my bare hands.
“Do you know where I could rent an apartment in town?”
“You’re not renting an apartment in town. You’re staying with me.”
“I can’t, Marj. Seeing Talon would be too difficult, and he doesn’t want me there.”
Marj gritted her teeth. Yeah, I couldn’t see her, but I knew she was doing it.
“All right. We’ll get you set up at the hotel tomorrow. You can stay there for a few nights until we can arrange for an apartment for you.”
“I…” God, why was this so complicated? “I can’t come back tomorrow. I used up all my cash for the cab fare to get here.”
“Cash? You’re really worried about cash? I’ll pay your fare, for God’s sake.”
“You’ve already done too much.”
“No, I haven’t done enough. My best friend in the entire world kept a serious secret from me. Obviously I haven’t been a very good friend.”
“Marj, you’re the best friend ever. You know that.”
She sniffled into the phone.
“Oh, God, please don’t cry.”
“I’m okay. Please, just let me pay for your cab fare. I’ll help you out with the hotel until we can find you a nice place to live that you can afford. Okay? Please?”
“No. I wasn’t thinking. A cab here in the city will take a credit card. I’ll be fine.” I drew in a deep breath.
I was going back to Snow Creek.
Chapter Three
Ryan’s mouth fell into an O as he poured himself another glass of wine. He stopped just before it overflowed. “What?”
“You heard me, bro.”
“You’re in love with Jade?”