Page 33 of Obsession (Steel Brothers Saga 2)
“You keep your eyes open, boy. You do as I tell you.”
The boy coughed and choked, trying desperately not to gag.
The colorful tattoo on the devil’s forearm drew the boy’s gaze. He stared hard at the image. And even though it laughed, the maniacal heckling not unlike that of the three demons, the boy could at least focus on it and not close his eyes. Its beak was yellow, like a canary, its body the red of a candy apple. Its wingtips bright pink, blue, and orange, ending in white-blue flame. Swirls of gray smoke surrounded the bird as it rose from burning embers.
The bird rose toward a five-pointed star.
“That’s right, boy, take it all. You’ll never be a man. Never.”
Eerie cackling danced around the boy, visible as black swirls around the tattooed bird.
You’ll never be a man. Never be a man…
The phoenix rose toward a star. I had forgotten until now, when I saw a near replica—the image etched onto Jade’s back.
She was kneeling before me, touching my cheek. “Talon, what happened? Are you all right?”
I couldn’t speak. I tried, but the words wouldn’t come.
Had I screamed, like the last time? I didn’t think so. Jade would have been acting differently if I had.
“Talon,” she said again. “Talk to me, please. What happened?”
I opened my mouth. This time a tiny croak emerged.
“Please, tell me what’s the matter.”
I inhaled and exhaled slowly, willing my drumming heartbeat to slow. “When did you get a tattoo?”
“I haven’t yet. I was about to get it tonight, but Haley only got the outline done before Marj called me with this ‘emergency.’”
I swallowed. The lump obstructing my throat didn’t budge. “What do you mean she only did the outline? So it’s not permanent, then?”
“No, of course not. It’s a simple ink drawing for her to follow. It’ll come off in the shower.”
I stood. A man on a mission. A strange whooshing met my ears. “It’s coming off right now.”
Her silver-blue eyes held compassion but also determination. “Talon, no. I like it.”
“I hate it.”
“It’s perfect. I saw it—”
“Where?” I grabbed her forearm, gripping tightly.
“Stop. You’re hurting me.”
I refused to loosen my grip. I couldn’t. My fingers were frozen. “Where did you see a tattoo that looked like that?”
Her eyes glazed over with tears ready to fall. “It was in Haley’s art book.”
“What do you want a tattoo for anyway?”
“I-I’ve always wanted one. I love tattoos when they’re done tastefully. I just never found the right image, and when I saw the phoenix—”
“Why the hell would you want a phoenix?”