Page 37 of Claimed By Her Cowboys
“He’s got a wife, doesn’t he?” Gabe said. “I’m sure she’ll put a stop to all this once she finds out. I mean, the man wants to fuck his own stepdaughter.”
“She’s got serious mommy issues, so don’t count on that plan working out,” Vinny said. “We’re all she has in the world.”
He needed to get some air. His emotions were getting the better of him.
Vinny left the house, heading to the barn. The dogs followed him, but he wasn’t in a playful mood. He knew they were wondering where Annalise was. She usually gave them leftovers from cooking dinner about now.
The house felt so empty without her. She was the heart of the home.
He’d been drifting through life, trying to look on the positive side. But since Annalise showed up in their lives, he’d finally realized what was missing. He needed the security and connection of a serious relationship, a forever love. A woman to share. She was unique, a perfect fit for the three of them. It was like all the hardships had led them all together.
Now this.
Vinny had to come up with a way to get Annalise back without jeopardizing everything. They didn’t have six figures in the bank or friends in high places. They were lowly working men, easily crushed by sharks like Raymond Davenport.
“You were ready to knock those assholes into next week for her. Now you’re scared to make a move,” Archie said.
“Fuck you.”
“Maybe you’re not good enough for her.”
He whirled around on his friend. Why couldn’t he have stayed in the house and given him some damn breathing room? “Listen, you have no idea how much I need her, how much I want her. It’s killing me on the inside. But who the hell am I to take on a man like Davenport?”
“Then I’ll go on my own. I’m ready to go to hell for that woman,” Archie said.
“Don’t claim you care more than me. You don’t.”
“Pass me a bottle of water,” said Gabe.
He’d been driving for hours, and the GPS said they were only ten minutes away from the Davenport towers. There had never been a reason to drive this far south. The noise, traffic, and concrete jungle surrounding their old pick-up truck were unnerving.
“Stop there,” Vinny said, pointing to a coffee shop at the corner.
Since Annalise had no clue they’d driven all the way here to rescue her, and they weren’t sure exactly where she was, they needed to regroup.
“Good evening, cowboys.” The waitress giggled after they entered the shop. It was past dinner hour, so the place wasn’t too busy.
“Can we get a table for the three of us?” Gabe asked.
“Sure thing. Follow me.”
Their waitress was busy flirting while everyone else in the place focused on staring. Were they that out of place in the city? It didn’t make sense. He was only wearing blue jeans, a navy t-shirt, and a plaid padded coat. Was it the boots? The hat?
“Something wrong with the way we’re dressed?” he asked the waitress once they were seated.
She smiled and twirled a lock of her hair around a finger. “You’re just very big boys.” She winked. “We usually get suits in here, not cowboys.”
They ordered coffee and began to talk about their next move.
“You should call her again,” Gabe said. “Get an update from her.”
“What if she wants to stay? What if his offer was too good to refuse?” Archie asked.
“Are you fucking dumb?” Vinny asked. “She was crying her heart out. No way does she want to be here.”
“We’ll lose the ranch.”
Archie and Vinny quieted once he spoke.
It was a fact, a sobering one, but they’d all agreed Annalise was worth it. Even if they had to live in a rented shack, as long as they had each other, they’d get by.
“Well, who could help us? I mean, there must be places that help the small guys. What if we go to the local news station with the truth?”
“Archie, I doubt a news station would want to go against Davenport,” Gabe said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if his company was a sponsor.”
“What if he had a tragic accident in the parking lot after work?” Vinny asked.
“Just stop,” Gabe said. “Call Annalise. We’re getting nowhere fast.”
He sipped on his coffee as Vinny made the call. His stomach was in knots with so many unknowns. He thrived on routine and security. This whole adventure was completely out of his comfort zone.
“How’s everything going?” Vinny asked after Annalise answered. He listened for a long stretch. “Tell me where you’re staying exactly. We’re coming to get you.” Another quiet spell.
Gabe had no clue what Annalise was saying yet. The suspense was killing him.
“We right around the corner, so there’s no backing out now, baby girl,” Vinny said. “Yeah. Okay. We can do that.”
After telling her how much he loved her, Vinny hung up the phone.