Page 5 of Promise to Keep (Vow To Protect 2)
I give him a little squeeze. “So I think it’s in everyone’s best interest that Valentina doesn’t even get mentioned in the presence of anyone who might even go near the council or their lackeys.”
Staring into my eyes, he says nothing, waiting for me to release him. By virtue of his position, he can say anything he wants to me, all my men can, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences, as Kai learned the hard way.
My hands are shaking and cold when I slide them away from his skin. He still doesn’t flinch, and I realize it’s not bravado. It’s trust. Punishment is one thing, but he trusts me not to take it too far, not unless he deserves it.
Fuck. I turn away again, unable to look at him. Have I been too hard on Kai? Especially given all I’ve asked of him recently. When it comes to Valentina’s safety, it’s like I get some kind of blinders on, and my default is rage. Like the only way to make sure she stays with me is to ensure not a single person would dare come near her.
I brace my hands on the counter and roll my neck around. There won’t be an apology, there never is, but I can explain myself, my thoughts, and give them a little more to go on the next time one of them needs to butt heads with me. “She is my only reason for living, Michail. Do you understand? If something happens to her, then there is nothing else left.”
“Do you mean the same to her?” he asks.
I pivot to level him a glare. “Why would you ask that? Has she said something?”
He crosses his arms over his chest and shakes his head. “I just want to know that the woman I’m expected to take a bullet for, the woman you’d sacrifice everything for, would do the same for you.”
I grind my teeth. “You obviously aren’t hearing me. I don’t want her to take a fucking bullet for me. I don’t want a single scratch on her body. No one touches her. No one looks at her. No one gets even an inch too close. If they can reach her to hurt her, then you and I have already failed. Are we clear?”
If he takes even one more second to answer, I’ll deck him. Finally, he nods once, his chin barely dipping. “I understand. Nothing will happen to her on my watch, I promise you.”
We stay that way for a moment, measuring each other. Then I say, “Fine, let’s get out of here. I want to get back to her.”
I lock up the house and head toward the car. Michail follows, his soft steps barely audible on the concrete walk.
The car beeps with the unlock, and I climb in, crushing the jacket I’d forgotten I’d left there.
We pull away and head back into the city. “Stop at Velvet’s place on the way. I want to get something for Valentina.”
He leans over and gives me a grin. “Velvet’s? Really?”
I shrug, answering his smile with one of my own. “I’ve never had a wife before. I want to spoil her a little bit.”
He snorts, his eyes glued to the road. “A little bit? You can’t get anything at Velvet’s for less than a down payment on a Tesla.”
Velvet’s is closed at this hour, but one text from me brings the woman who owns the store running to open it for us. I survey the merchandise and pick out a necklace. Diamonds run around the length to two clusters of diamonds that look like angel wings framing a large canary-yellow diamond.
It’s stunning, and my angel will look so good naked in my bed sparkling in the overhead light with this on.
I hand it back to Velvet, and she carefully wraps it for me. “You have my account information.”
Her black hair spills over her shoulder as she gives me a bow. “Of course. I hope your lady enjoys it. If not, bring her with you next time. I’d love to help you both pick something out.”
I leave without another thought, the white bag inlaid with gold clutched tight in my fist. Usually, purchases at Velvet’s include a security escort, but tonight, it’s just Michail.
We climb back into the car, and I settle into the seat again. This time, my jacket is in the back as Michail moved it for me when I exited at Velvet’s.
I nod and face out the window, my mind already on Valentina. “Home,” I whisper.
It takes way too long to get there, and I’m itching as I exit the elevator. My heart hits my feet when she’s not standing there waiting.
Maybe she’s fallen asleep early. I head up to the bedroom, but it’s also empty.
Hearing Kai’s footsteps behind me make me stiffen, and he says what I could already feel if I had stopped to focus.