Page 84 of Vow to Protect (Vow To Protect 1)
I try to do the same, but sleep evades me. The thought of Val, someone I love having something to do with my mother's death, refuses to leave my mind. I’m not sure how much time passes but eventually, I drift off to sleep, my hold on Val unwavering.
It can’t be but hours later when I’m woken by a light tap on the shoulder. I jerk awake and roll to stare at Kai. His face is pale, and he tips his head toward the door.
I ease my arms from around Valentina and carefully climb out of bed. Once I put on a robe, I head into the hall to find Kai leaning against the opposite wall. “What is it?”
“Vincent.” His voice shakes, and I immediately know something is wrong. Nothing fazes Kai, not even my own threats to kill him.
I head toward the command room before he says anything else and find four of my five around the table. One is lying flat on top. I approach to find Andrea lying there, her clothing torn, her face beat up.
“Call the doctor,” I order, reaching out to take her hand. But she jerks away as my hand gets close to hers.
“Don’t touch me,” she whispers.
I realize it’s because she can’t speak well, likely from the red rings around her neck. They look like rope burns.
I face the group now. “What the fuck happened?”
Kai takes the lead, as usual. “Vincent was attacked while cleaning up at the yacht. Sal’s family found out what happened and launched an assault. They got to Andrea before Vincent’s warning reached the rest of us.”
I glance down at her again. “What the fuck did they do to her? And what about Vincent?”
“He’s dead,” Kai says, avoiding look at Andrea. “They delivered his head to the doorman a few minutes ago. I woke you as soon as I opened it. We’ve also gotten an invitation from the council.”
I grimace and scan Andrea one more time, watching her breathe for my own peace of mind. Everyone in this room knows an invitation isn’t voluntary.
“Get her to the hospital if she needs it. Whatever it takes. Do you know who exactly did these things?”
Kai shakes his head and scrubs his hands over his face. “It had to be Sal’s uncles. They have a reputation for hating women and are known for their brutality.”
A memory from last night flashes in my mind. The bruises I left on Valentina’s skin in my anger and haste.
Shame eats at me, and I stalk away from the table to pour a glass of water and bring it back to Andrea.
She takes it, careful not to touch me, and sips it slowly. All I can do is stand there to give her comfort, and I hate it.
If I make a move to hit Sal’s uncles now, it could make things worse with the council until I answer for Sal’s death. I’m prepared to show them what Sal did to her, that his death was justified, but I won’t be able to explain retaliation against his family too, no matter the provocation.
I turn and face Kai. “Get the doctor here, take her to her room, even if she fights all the fucking way there.”
Over my shoulder, I order a pale Alexei, “Get dressed. We’re going to see the council, then we hunt for the bastards who did this.”
He nods, giving his sister one last look, and leaves the room. Kai is itching to go with me, I know it. But right now, I trust him to protect Valentina, and she must be protected at all costs.
I shove him into the door hard enough to slam it into the wall. “You watch over my angel. If anything happens to her while I’m gone, you’ll be the next one to die.”
This time, when he leaves to handle business, I don’t watch the elevator. The past couple of days have made me see how much he needs me. That this isn’t just a deal for him, and I’m not just the spoils of war. In time, maybe, I can become a real wife. The woman he needs leading at his side. It wasn’t a role my mother ever got to fill for my father, but I have higher hopes for Adrian. When I speak, he listens to what I have to say, and that always melts my insides into a soupy puddle.
Dammit. I sit poking at my oatmeal, something bland for my recently rebelling stomach. I’m in love with him. It’s the only explanation for how completely moony I feel about him right now.
I take another bite of my food and force myself to swallow. Adrian ordered me to eat and finish it all because my appetite has been off. I’m not feeling the food, but I want to see his face when I finish. It will please him, and I find I want that more than anything. Just to give him a reason to smile at me, to put his hands in my hair, lean my head back, and tell me I’m all his. So worth it if I don’t throw everything up again.