Page 14 of Insta Holiday (Justice)
“I did too.”
“Really?” I slice some bread to put into the oven. Tyson opens it for me to slide it in.
“Yeah, really.” He pours the sauce over the meat before putting a lid over it and giving the pasta a stir. “Rory, I enjoy doing anything with you. The boys are an added bonus.” He steps into me, backing me up against the counter. “I’m in this for the long game. I want to be a part of your life, Rory.”
“Why?” I drop my head to stare up at him. Tyson has the world at his fingertips, but all his attention has always been on me. I’ve never understood it.
“You really don’t feel this?” He leans down, his mouth brushing against mine. God, it feels damn good when he’s close. I want to pull him closer and keep him there forever, but fear always wins out for me when it comes to Tyson. My mother hasn’t taught me much in life, but she has taught me that men run. Even some of the good ones. They try to stick around, but it becomes too much for them. In the end, they all leave.
“I feel it,” I admit, not wanting to lie to him. “What happens when you win, Tyson? If you win this game and you get me? Then what?” Would the thrill be gone? I bet I’m the only girl to ever turn Tyson away. Not that I’ve ever seen him give a girl the chance to do so. Except me.
He lifts his palm to my cheek, his face growing serious, but before he can say a word my mother ruins the moment.
“You’re not going to take Rory from us, are you? We’re a package deal.” Her words rake against my skin. I know when she sees Tyson all she is thinking about is money and how she can use him to her benefit.
I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from saying anything rude. I won’t do that when the boys are so close and could hear. She tries to use them against me. The reality is she could kick me out of this house right now, and there isn’t a thing I could do about it. The thought of her keeping me from Logan and Dean is too much to bear, so I push it to the back of my mind. I always have to skirt a fine line when it comes to my mother.
“Nah, how could anyone not want a package that includes Dean and Logan?” He turns to the side, dropping in next to me. Sheila’s eyes bounce between the two of us before they linger on Tyson.
“How serious are you two? Rory can be a bit of a prude.” My mouth falls open. Tyson’s whole body goes stiff beside me. She did not say that. The hell? Is she seriously going to try and hit on Tyson? Why is this even shocking me?
“What’s a prude?” Logan asks, walking into the kitchen. “Spaghetti!” Thankfully, the food distracts him. I step away from Tyson to see to it.
“You know, someone was looking for you,” Tyson says, keeping it vague as he puts the heat back on Sheila.
“He's a liar. I didn’t take anything from him.” She puffs her bottom lip out. Even with the drugs and drinks, she’s managed to stay pretty.
“Let me, babe. It’s hot.” He grabs my hips, pulling me away from the stove to dump the pasta into the strainer. “Set the table, Dean,” he calls out.
“So you got my text?” I fold my arms over my chest.
“I’ve been busy, Rory. You’re not the only one who works around here.”
“Good, rent's due.” She narrows her eyes on me.
“That mean he’s still looking for you?” Tyson cuts in while he still finishes dinner.
“Who cares?” She shrugs.
“I care. What if he shows up here again?”
“Guess you’ll have to spend the night again.” She winks at him. How did she know he stayed the night to begin with? The boys must have told her. I bet she gave them a full interrogation.
“Yes! Tyson is staying the night again,” Logan shouts.
“Cool.” Dean comes into the kitchen to grab plates. Both he and Logan miss the tension that’s thick in the room.
“Let’s have dinner.” I rest my hand on Tyson’s arm. He relaxes at my touch. It’s nice to have someone at my back for once. Hell, at this moment Tyson is at my front.
I’ve misjudged him in so many ways. I can only hope now that I’m not misjudging again.
“We’re getting a lot of likes,” Logan says around his toothbrush. Toothpaste foams around the corners of his mouth as he shoves the phone into my face. “We should make one of us dancing. The dancing ones are the viral ones.”
I shift my toothbrush to the side of my mouth and take a closer look. Dean tucks his chin into my arm and peers at the screen. The video of us making holiday ornaments is getting a lot of attention. “I can’t dance. Can you?”