Page 99 of The Beginning (The Life 1)
I teared up as I ran my hands over the luxurious clothes, touched beyond words that he’d done this. Not since grandma and the aunts had been banished from my life had anyone done something so sweet for me. The fact that it was Gabriel who’d done it only made it that much sweeter, and it was hard to quell my excitement.
I’d been twirling around the room, holding one of the dresses against my chest, when the door opened behind me, and his mother walked in. “Oh good, you found them. Let me see what my son did.” She nodded her head with a smile as she went through my loot, and I began to feel embarrassed. What must she think of me?
I’m a relative stranger who’d been hired to tutor her kids, and less than a week later, I’m in their vacation mansion dancing around the room with clothes her teenage son bought. I wouldn’t blame her for thinking less of me. From what little I knew of them from before, I know many’ve tried getting close for their own selfish purposes.
The family seems to keep themselves closed off from outsiders because of this very reason. How could I have forgotten that? “I’m sorry, I didn’t ask him to get them; he can take them back or give them to the twins…”
“What are you saying?” She looked at me with surprise; then, her countenance changed as if with a switch. “Oh, you poor thing.” I didn’t understand why she got that sad look on her face before she hugged me. But I know I’ll never forget the feel of her arms around me or the way she patted my back comfortingly.
“No one has to tell Master Gabriel what to do; he just does as he pleases and the rest of us learn to go along. Not that we have a choice.” The last part was said more as an aside. “He chose beautifully. I couldn’t have done better myself. He also made my job that much easier.”
“Your job? I don’t understand.” She just smiled and shrugged her shoulders as she picked up a cream-colored silk and lace camisole.
“It’s not important right now. I’ve been given orders to come up here and help you get ready for this evening. Let’s see.” She looked around at all the bags before moving over to the bed. “Ah, this must be the evening gown.”
She lifted the fancy garment bag that I’d been too anxious to touch myself. Just the bag alone looked expensive. She unzipped it to reveal a black dress inside that, at first glance, looked very nondescript until she took it out fully from the bag and revealed the classic beauty of the design.
She kept going, revealing black evening slingbacks with a crystal butterfly bow on top and thankfully not too high heels, with a bag to match. “That’s for me?”
“Of course, he did well.” I blushed when she revealed the undergarments meant to be worn under the elegant gown. I can’t imagine the stoic Gabriel Russo choosing such things. Maybe he had someone else do it and wasn’t even there.
He probably didn’t want me to embarrass him. Even though he hadn’t been the one to invite me for the weekend, he was the one that brought me to his home last night. And it’s because of him that his family and I met. It’s too confusing to think about right now, especially with his mother in the room.
“Okay, looks like he’s thought of everything. Why don’t you go ahead and have your shower, then join the girls in their room? They’ll take it from there.” She seemed almost as excited as I was. After she left, I went through the rest of the bags and almost died when I saw the lingerie sets.
How does he even know my size? Thankfully I didn’t have time to dwell on the riot of emotions rushing through me at the thought of him touching seeing the intimate apparel that I would soon wear. I had to shower. It was in the bathroom that I got the first real look at my hair and was left speechless. The others, including the stylists, had proclaimed its beauty, but I’d been too nervous to look.
The length had surprised me. Since my hair had never been straightened before, I had no idea my curls were hiding such great length that it went from the middle of my back to just about grazing the top of my butt. The changes didn’t stop there, though; it was full and healthy with a sheen that had been missing from lack of care, I guess. The new style also did something to my face, especially my eyes. They seemed brighter, somehow my features more pronounced.
Of course, my first thought was of Gabriel and whether or not he’d like it. I hadn’t seen him since breakfast and had spent the whole day in the chair once it was certain that my hair could be saved, filled with excitement. My first time getting my hair professionally done, and my only thought was of him and what he’d think.