Page 94 of The Beginning (The Life 1)
She was still asleep, but now she covered more than half my body with hers. How the hell did she get on top of me without me noticing? And since when do I sleep so easily with someone else in the room with me, let alone in my bed?
I started to roll her off me, but she came awake with a start. Our eyes met and held, and I didn’t even attempt to explain. She studied me for a few seconds before reality set in. My lips quivered at the squeaking sound she made before she tucked and rolled, mumbling a sorry as she tried to disappear under the pillow next to us.
I’m not sure why I found this shit so funny, but I laughed and rolled out of bed. “You can have the bathroom in here. I’ll use one of the others. Come on, get up; we’re leaving soon.” She shook her head like a ragdoll, making me laugh harder.
I dropped back down beside her. “Ah, are you embarrassed because you’re in my bed or because you slept all over me all night?” What the fuck? Why am I in a playful mood? She snapped her head around at that. “I did not. I went to sleep alone; you’re the one who…”
“Okay, okay, we can argue the point later. I hear the others moving around out there. Unless you wanna get left behind, you’d better get a move on.”
Good, embarrassment fled, and she jumped out of bed and locked herself behind the bathroom door. I could only shake my head at my odd behavior as I left the room and headed for one of the guest baths. I’m so accustomed to ignoring my body that it wasn’t until I stepped into the shower that I realized my predicament. “Fuck, did she feel that?”
I turned the water on cold and hoped like fuck that she hadn’t or if she did, she didn’t misinterpret. That shit just happens without any input from me. At least that’s been true in the past, but this doesn’t quite feel the same, if I'm being honest.
By the time I showered and headed back to my room, she was dressed and sitting on the bed with her overnight bag on her lap. I knew from the wayward look on her face that she was worried about something. “What’s wrong?”
“I didn’t think to ask but, I only wear jeans and tees, is that good enough for what you guys have planned this weekend?”
“Don’t worry about it, and stop biting your lip.” She released it from between her teeth, looking all of five with that little girl innocent look of hers. “Come on, you ready?”
“Don’t you need to pack?”
“No, I have clothes there.” She looked at me strangely, like she’d never heard of such a thing.
I reached for her hand and pulled her up from the bed, making her blush for some reason. “Give me that.” I took the bag from her and swung it over my shoulder before leading her from the room. The first thing we heard was Sheila yelling up the stairs for us to get the lead out.
“I’m not making breakfast; there’s no time. Carlo promised to have a spread waiting for us when we get there, and the stylists are going to be at the house half an hour after the plane lands, so there’s no time to dilly dally, oh good morning, Gia, you sleep good? Anna, Rosa, let’s go.”
“Where’s Lance?” I asked when I could get a word in.
“You know where that boy is; he’s already in the car with your Pop.” Of course.
“We’re ready; we’re here.” The twins came bouncing down the stairs with just their makeup cases in hand.
“Wait, you two don’t pack either?”
“No, we keep stuff there, plus New York is an excuse to shop; why bother?”
The look on Gianna’s face at Anna’s blasé answer added another knot to my gut. With Fontane’s financial bracket, she should be a spoilt princess like these two. Instead, her nemesis reaps all the benefits while she… “Gabriel, you’re squeezing my hand.”
“Huh? What?” She held our clasped hands up between us. When the hell did I take her hand?
“Oh, sorry!” I still didn’t let go, just turned for the door with the others following behind.
My family should change their name from Russo to Obvious. Everyone did their best to ensure that Gianna and I ended up next to each other, which turned out to be a good thing. “You’re afraid of flying.” She had a death grip on the seat arm, and we hadn’t even left the ground yet. She turned wide uncertain eyes my way.
“I’ve never flown before. Mom and I used to take the train to the city, or sometimes dad would drive us.” I reached into my bag for my iPod and wireless headphones and placed them over her ears. “Close your eyes, just listen to the music, don’t think about anything else.” I covered her clenched fingers with mine and rested my head back against the seat.