Page 65 of The Beginning (The Life 1)
“It was fun; the twins are very bright; it’s almost as if they’ve studied it before.” Oh great, another smartass. I guess I’m wrong about her feeling uneasy since she sounded more relaxed than expected. Ma preened like a proud mama. “Is that so? I’m glad to hear it; they seemed so worried. What is it that they’re studying again? I didn’t quite catch it this morning; my mind was elsewhere.”
“Calculus, it’s one of the hardest subjects in high school by far, but no need to worry; they’ve taken to it rather easily.” If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she was teasing the girls about their lie, but her face gave nothing away. Shit, I had a whole other problem on my hands now because Ma got a strange look on her face, and I could almost guess where her mind had gone.
“Calculus? Why does that sound familiar? Didn’t your brother…”
“Oh Ma, did you talk to the caterers today? We only have a couple of weeks left. I think that’s the final menu, no more revisions.” Anna cut her off, knowing too exactly where she was going. Thank heaven because if Ma finds out anything about this, my life will become fodder for her and Sheila and who knows what those two would come up with.
Pop was unusually quiet, but he seemed very tuned in to the conversation around the table, which jumped from one thing to another with everyone chiming in, even Gianna, though she spoke only when directly addressed. She was soft-spoken and polite, but the difference between her and the twins was glaring. She’s way too skittish for a teenage girl. Even Lance was more animated as a guest; then again, he practically lives here.
It was hell being this aware of her next to me while pretending not to be in front of prying eyes. Pop is way too still for my liking, and I’m not sure he hasn’t caught the scent of something in the air. Or maybe his unpaid snitch has been talking shit. I sent another glare Lance’s way, and this time he winked at me. I’ll put his eye out with this fork swear to fuck.
I relaxed somewhere between the chicken parmesan and tiramisu that Lance had predicted. The conversation had turned to all things party, and Lance had grown tired of being an ass, or he was too busy stuffing his face and buttering Ma up, so I no longer felt the heat. “Oh, it’s getting late, Gia; I promised your dad that you wouldn’t be too late getting home. Hon, can you have them bring the car around?”
“I’ll take her,” I spoke before I gave it much thought and ignored the looks that I got before Pop came to the rescue.
“Speaking of cars, Lancelot, I have something to show you.” Lance’s eyes lit up like a Xmas tree. That’s their thing, cars, engines, anything that moves really, but they can go on for hours about cars. I have pretty much the same deal with Uncle Marvin, only we discuss philosophy and history over a game of chess-like civilized human beings.
“What did you get, Unc? Is it the Ferrari GTO? Did you find it?”
“No, not yet still looking, come, you’ll like this. The rest of you come too.” Ma and the twins groaned playfully, probably envisioning another couple of hours spent listening to these two wax poetic about slabs of steel and aluminum. Nevertheless, we all filed out after Pop called his on-staff mechanic to bring the car around front.
I have no idea what the fire engine red thing was. I just know it looked like something from a bygone era, which is right up Lance and Pop’s alley. “Is that the Hudson Hornet convertible? No way! An original? Fifty-one? How did you get it in this color?” He rattled off questions while Pop just smiled at him as he walked around the machine.
“Here.” Pop passed him the keys.
“I can take it out?” There was awe and reverence in his voice.
“I hope so since it’s yours.”
Ah shit! “Breathe, Lancelot, for crap's sake.” I had to go over and rub his back and chest like a burping baby. “Really? Over a car?” The idiot just grinned at me like a fool while fighting to breathe as I tried valiantly to hide the fact that I was scared shitless that he’d have one of his attacks.
“Pop, come on.”
“Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. You okay, Lancelot?” He nodded and grinned while Uncle Marvin dug around in his pocket and brought out an inhaler. “Don’t worry, Gabe, we won’t have a repeat of last time."
“Hey, I’m not that soft dad, don’t embarrass me in front of Gia.” The fuck.
“Come on!” He looked at the twins, Gianna and me, “I’ll take you for a spin down the driveway, but you have to take off your shoes. Unc, it looks brand new, fresh off the lot.”