Page 63 of The Beginning (The Life 1)
I’ve heard Pop say it a million times but never paid much attention because it didn’t refer to me in any way that women made men soft. I didn’t show my surprise or stumble in my steps, but it was time to get the fuck out. “I think we should head back to the house.” I didn’t wait for a response, just turned and walked back the way I came.
I’d meant to question her some more since I didn’t get enough from the twins’ earlier digging but instead spent the time enjoying watching her delight in the things I take for granted every day. She’s either very innocent or very sheltered, not sure which.
I’ve never seen anyone take such pleasure in walking around the grounds of someone else’s home. Add the fact that she was tense as hell the whole time she was with me, and prying into her life didn’t seem like the right thing at the moment. I don’t want to give myself away either, so coming at her weapons hot might not be the way to go.
The twins met us on our way back with their freaking mutts, almost identical white Pomeranian furballs that serve no damn purpose other than making a racket at every damn thing.
“Keep your ankle biters away from…me.” The last word trailed off before leaving my lips because Gianna lost her shit at the sight of the overgrown house cats. Shit, there’re cats bigger than these two.
She dropped down to her knees and called to them with all the glee of a five-year-old at a carnival. “They’re so adorable; what’re their names?”
“Belle and Beau.” The twins answered her together as she played with the two mutts she’d dragged onto her lap.
“Do you have a dog?” Rosa knelt to join her.
“No, but I’ve always wanted one.” She rubbed her face in their hair while laughing with pure joy.
It’s the first time since we’d met that I’d seen such genuine pleasure in her. There was no guile, no hidden pockets in her actions as she played with the dogs, and I knew that if my sisters had been playing at being friends before, she’d won them over with that one action. They love those fucking rats like they birthed them.
“Oh, that’s sad; you’ve always wanted a pet but couldn’t. Why not? Most of our friends have pets.” Good, Rosa was still on the job.
“Oh, Victoria doesn’t like… I mean, Victoria’s allergic.” The girls and I shared a look over her head then Anna got that glint in her eye. Fuck, I better get on this shit before they buy her a whole family of the shits. One would do the job, but Draco Russo’s kids don’t do subtle very well, and yes, I’m naming myself among that number.
An idea began to form in my head, an answer to a question I’d been battling since I decided to stick my nose in, speaking of which. “I’ll be right back.” I headed inside and up to my room, taking the stairs two at a time before grabbing what I needed and going to the study. I’m about to infringe on her privacy like the fucking CIA, but it can’t be helped.
I slipped the miniature device into a corner of her bag in a way that it wouldn’t be noticed, not unless she went searching, and made sure it was secure enough not to get tossed when and if she cleaned it out. It wasn’t much, but it was the best I could do for now. It could also land my ass in jail, but I wasn’t raised to fear the law, and it’s not in my blood.
I know my grandpa on Ma’s side was one of the founders of the new Sicilian organization that the world came to know by another name. He’s of the old school, the type who placed great store in honor and integrity, and all the things the foundation of mafioso was built on, at least since the days of Mussolini.
On the other hand, the father of the violator, also part of that same group of Cosa Nostra in their little Sicilian Borgata, had gone the other way. Add Pop, who has one foot straddling each of those worlds, and you have me, an amalgamation of all three. The only problem is which of those traits you’d find in me on any given day. So, no, wiretapping her in a two-party consent state doesn’t faze me much.
I headed back downstairs to find Ma. “Oh, Ma, the girls wanted to remind you to call the Fontanes and let them know their tutor is staying for dinner.”
“Oh, okay, I’ll have your father call since he’s the one who made contact this morning. How did it go? Did you ask your sisters?”
“They seem happy enough, I guess; they’re outside showing her the dogs.” She nodded, and I bounced before she could think of some shit for me to do.