Page 6 of The Beginning (The Life 1)
I wasn’t stupid, by the time I was seven or eight I knew who and what we were. If I was in anyway naïve to the fact, the little fuckers in elementary school with their Wall Street paper pushing asshole fathers were more than happy to enlighten me.
Until I started kicking asses and logging names for future reference. Yeah, even back then I was a hard ass.
Mom and dad had changed a lot since that day; they had to. They were now the king and queen of la familia and my brother and I suddenly had more fucking bodies on us than the pope. I couldn’t even take a piss back then without someone on the door. Dad wasn’t taking any chances since he’d declared all out war on friend and foe alike.
Yeah that’s pretty much how we got our reputation. When in doubt we off every fuck. Say what you will, that shit works, why? Because if your friend knows what your enemy’s up to, he’ll be more apt to talk if he knows that he’d get fucked too if shit pops off. Most if not all, talk in the end.
After pop leveled their asses we didn’t hear a peep out of anyone for quite some time. The only ones who’d fuck with us were upstarts who didn’t know our history, or some greedy fuck with more guts than brains. They both usually ended up losing theirs.
Pop had started my training from then ‘til now, even when I was away at school I knew who I was and where I was going. Now here I am at twenty-two and my life was taking an unexpected turn in the form of some foreign chick that could hardly string two words together. But as my little brother Garret would say, she’s a prime piece of ass. That boy needs help the scamp.
I smiled fondly at the thought of him as I heard the water finally turn off in the shower. I checked to make sure her food was still warm at least before walking over to the closet to find her a robe.
She must’ve either forgotten that I was there or she didn’t realize that her body was still wet when she got dressed because the nightshirt was sticking to her. That’s how I saw it, the unmistakable swelling of her stomach.
My eyes flew to hers accusingly as she looked at me like a trapped doe, about to take flight. “Who is he?” The words were angry and harsh and I barely restrained myself from grabbing her and shaking her for making me feel anything when she knew…
She recoiled from my anger and wrapped her arms Around her middle but that didn’t sway me. “What kind of man let’s his woman and child sleep in the damn stables? Where is he?”
She shook her head and backed away even farther. I didn’t stop to question my fiery anger, or the fear that was so evident in her. I wanted to know just what the hell she was doing here in my room when some man had got her pregnant.
“Is he here? Does he live here in the states?” She made a strange sound in her throat two seconds before she hit the floor in a dead faint. It was only then I realized I’d been shaking her. Even with my anger at her my heart twisted at what I’d done.
“Shit Red, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” I dropped to my knees beside her and picked her up gently before taking her to my bed.
I almost panicked when she didn’t wake up right away, but if I got mom that would just open up the floor for a shitload of questions I didn’t feel like fielding right now.
My eyes were drawn to the telltale signs that another man had been there before me and I wasn’t sure how to feel. Since these feelings in my gut were all new I hadn’t the first fucking clue how to deal with jealousy.
I went into the bathroom and grabbed a wet cloth; I think I saw people doing this shit in the movies. It took about three minutes but she eventually came around.
I thought for sure after she scared the shit out of me by fainting that I would drop it, but as soon as I saw the white of her eyes I was on it again.
“Where is the father?” I wasn’t sure what to feel when tears started seeping from the corners of her eyes before she turned her face away from me. Was she crying because they were apart, was she crying because he’d left her after finding out about the baby? What?
“Where?” I turned her face back to mine and the look in her eyes almost broke my heart. I felt a lump in my throat and a riot started in my gut. What was it about this girl that made me want to bundle her up and tuck her away somewhere safe?