Page 2 of His Christmas List
"Only two others, American and United. And they have both tried to get seats on our flight on Friday as they oversold their seats."
"So, they're full, too?"
"I'm afraid so."
I stare at her flatly. "Out of JFK in New York…. the biggest airport in America, only three airlines go there?" I scoff.
"Anchorage seems like a very popular destination."
"Apparently so."
I pinch the bridge of my nose. "This is a disaster."
I text Clancy.
Can you get me a charter, please?
I missed the flight.
No flights available until Friday.
She types into her computer and reads the screen. "I could get you onto a flight to Fairbanks, Alaska, in an hour. But there is only one seat left and if you don’t get it now, it may sell out, too."
I glance at my phone waiting for Clancy's reply. She hasn’t read my message, which means she isn’t on her phone, which means she's probably throwing up right now.
Shit, the poor girl is probably throwing up right now. She can't organise a fucking emergency charter plane, she's too unwell.
The woman on the desk continues to type while reading out the information. "From there you could hire a car and drive the rest of the way. I mean it's not ideal, but it would get you there for tomorrow."
"How long is the drive from Fairbanks to Anchorage?" I ask.
She googles it. "It says here seven hours."
"What time does the flight get into Fairbanks?"
"Six o'clock this evening. You could rent a car and use google maps and still make it by near midnight."
I stare at her as I go over my options.
"You could call ahead and rent yourself a car," she says to try and be helpful. "It might actually be fun?"
"I guess." I force a smile. Or I can just arrange for a car to pick me up. "Okay, I'll take that flight. Thank you." It will be easy from there, a lot easier than it is from here. At least I'll be in the right state.
She types into her computer and then hands me the ticket. "You need to hurry; the flight is just about to board."
I read the bold writing.
JFK – Fairbanks, Alaska
"Good luck." She smiles.
"Thanks." I give her a weak wave and make my way through security as I email Melissa. I'll leave Clancy alone to be sick in peace.
I need a transfer from Fairbanks Airport, Alaska.
Arrival 6 pm local time
To be driven to Anchorage, Alaska.
I missed my flight.
Boarding now, will check in on arrival.
Ten long hours later, I stand at Fairbanks Airport and look around. Everyone is just wandering around as if on vacation, nobody seems in a rush and to top it all off, the transfer isn’t here. "I hate incompetence," I whisper under my breath. "This is the worst fucking day of all time." I take my phone out and call Melissa. It rings out.
My blood boils and I call her again, it rings out again and I leave a message on her voice mail. "Hello Mellissa, this is Holly Moran, my transfer isn’t at the airport. Where did you ask them to pick me up from? Am I supposed to be waiting in the arrival lounge or out front?" I look around in hope of seeing someone with a small sign. "Call me back immediately," I say sharply. "I'm in the middle of nowhere here." I hang up in disgust and dial Clancy's number. She answers on the first ring.
"Hi Hol."
"Hey, sorry to bother you."
"That’s okay."
"Are you feeling any better?"
"Yes, a little. Where are you?"
"In the middle of Bumfuck nowhere, do you know who Melissa booked my transfer through? They haven’t turned up."
"What do you mean Melissa?"
"I missed my flight and had to fly into Fairbanks, I emailed and asked her to book a transfer from here to Anchorage tonight."
"Oh fuck," she mutters. "You should have called me."
"Melissa didn’t go into work today, she called in sick, too. She wouldn’t have seen your email yet."
My eyes widen in horror as I look around at my surroundings. People are taking a second look as they walk past me, as if I stand out to be different. I suddenly become aware of people staring at me and I glance down at myself. I'm in a black tight pencil skirt and matching suit jacket, a silk blouse, sheer stockings and high heels. My long length dark hair is twisted into a bun. I have a small overnight black Louis Vuitton suitcase and my matching Louis Vuitton laptop bag.
Shit, a tad overdressed. I feel like I come from another planet, looking around at my surroundings…maybe I do.
"I'll find you one now," she says in a panic. "Grab a drink at the bar and I'll call you right back."
I pinch the bridge of my nose. I don’t need this shit tonight. After the ten-hour flight, I'm beat. "Okay." I reply as I try to stay calm. "Speak soon." I hang up.