Page 15 of Filthy Twin Carpenters (Forbidden Fantasies 38)
After all, Bart and Liam are virile, manly men. They have needs, and I’m only too happy to sate them. All those sexual positions that Liam mentioned in passing before? We’ve done all of them and then some. We’ve even invested in some naughty equipment, so our apartment is now furnished with a hammock with holes for both of my legs; a Sybian saddle designed for a woman’s pleasure; and countless toys that we use on each other. It’s wonderful, and I can’t believe my life is filled with such inventive ecstasy night after night.
But right now, we’re going for a run and there’s nothing naughty about it. After stretching my calves, I do some jumping jacks to get my heart rate going.
“I’m going to be slow today,” I admit. “I’ve been feeling a little off.”
The men look up.
“We don’t have to do this,” Liam says, clearly concerned.
“I want to. I need to keep working out.”
Bart frowns. “If you’re sure, honey. But the second you want to stop, you tell us.”
“I will,” I smile, continuing to stretch. “Oh goodness! Both of you guys are always so worried about me but it’s nothing. I’m just not in tip-top shape, that’s all.” My men nod.
“So long as you’re sure, sweetheart,” Bart growls. Then he looks around the park, squinting. “It just us today? No one else from NYC Kickstarters is coming?”
I nod. “Yeah, looks like it,” I sigh, stretching my arms across my chest. “I guess the rest of the running group decided to skip out, so it’ll just be us three.” Both men grin, and we set out at a slow trot. It takes a minute for me to get into a consistent stride, but once I’m moving, my breathing steadies and my heart rate pulses rhythmically.
I’m in a great mood as we head down the trail. Bart and Liam are on either side of me, and I giggle as we go.
“Hey, what’s so funny?” Bart growls, shooting me a sideways look. “If you can laugh, then we’re definitely not going fast enough,” he adds.
“Well, I was just thinking about our dates,” I say.
Liam shoots me a look as he jogs on my other side.
“What about it?”
I giggle again.
“Well, you know how Dr. Seuss has those cartoon characters called Thing 1 and Thing 2? So can I start calling you guys Boyfriend 1 and Boyfriend 2?” I ask, bursting out giggles. “It’d be funny, right?” My two men look at each other and they laugh, too.
“Which one am I?” Bart asks.
“Boyfriend 2, obviously,” I say. “Only because I was dating Liam first so it’s just a chronology thing.”
“Well, in that case, yes, I’d be happy to be Boyfriend 2. But do we have to wear blue afros and red onesies the way Thing 1 and Thing 2 do?”
I nod in a mock-serious manner. “That would be a fun look, don’t you think? Very sexy too.”
The two guys laugh deep in their chests, but then shoot me another serious look and slow to a stop.
“You can call us whatever you want, Alyssa, as long as you tell everyone we’re your boyfriends.”
Liam kisses me right there out in the open, and then Bart does the same, seizing my lips for a heavenly smooch.
“This isn’t some fly by night operation, you know,” Boyfriend 2 growls into my mouth. “We care about you and your wellbeing and want you to be happy. If it means wearing blue wigs and red onesies, then we’ll do it.”
I smile at both of them. “I am happy. You guys don’t have to worry.”
The men smack my bottom, which jiggles delightfully, and then we start up the pace again. My heart flutters, and it’s not because of the exercise. It’s because I’m thrilled to be with these gorgeous alpha males, and never imagined a menage as a possibility. After all, most girls dream of only one Prince Charming, but I’m the lucky girl who gets two. Who would have guessed?
I giggle to myself as we pass others on the road, and there must be a happy vibe in the air because quite a few of the other runners nod in greeting, or even smile and wave as we go by.
Finally, we stop at a water fountain near the north-most section of the park.
“I’m glad we did this,” I pant heavily. “It’s good exercise!”
“Me, too,” Bart says. “But you’re not overly tired, are you sweetheart?”
I smile.
“No, but even if I were, I’d still be running in order to stay in shape for you guys!”
I expect them to laugh at my comment, but instead, both men frown, turning to glance at me with worried expressions.
“Alyssa, we adore the way you look,” Liam begins in a low growl. “We don’t ever want you to think otherwise. Your body is amazing and I hope to god you’re not trying to run off excess calories.”