Page 11 of Filthy Twin Carpenters (Forbidden Fantasies 38)
“We haven’t explicitly,” I concede. “But I can tell you’re interested. Not only that, but I’ve caught you watching male-female-male porn before, and I see how aroused you get, sweetheart. That kind of stuff sticks with a man.”
Alyssa flushes.
“It was only once on YouPorn,” she mumbles.
I chuck her under the chin.
“But it was very memorable,” I say in a dark voice. “I didn’t know girls actually had fantasies like that and I appreciate that about you, Alyssa. I like that you’re imaginative and willing, and that it’s not enough to be vanilla in bed. I like your kinks and your sexy ways.”
Alyssa takes a deep breath before meeting my eyes
“But what about you, Liam? Did you enjoy yourself last night? Was it weird for you to include Bart?”
I take her face in my hands and kiss her gently. “Trust me, babe, I had a blast last night. But at the same time, I know that you and Bart are attracted to each other. Hell, everyone can feel it in the air whenever you’re together. Even now, you’re blushing just thinking about him.”
“I am not!” she protests, going even more fiery red.
I laugh. “No need to lie, sweetheart, because I’m not jealous. I’m not built that way, honey. I want you to be happy, and if this scratches that itch that you have buried deep inside, then I say we do it. I know you wouldn’t leave me for him, or cheat on me, but I figured I’d give you both the opportunity to try it out. How’s that for a change?” Alyssa struggles to believe me, so I take her hands and squeeze those small palms between mine. “I promise you, sweetheart, that none of it was premeditated. I didn’t expect to look up and see Bart during our lovemaking, but it happened, and then it was good when he joined us in bed. Wasn’t it?”
Alyssa pauses for a moment.
“It was,” she admits quietly. “And I believe you, Liam. For some reason, I know that you’d never pre-arrange something like this.”
I chuckle, kissing her forehead. “Trust me, I’d never pop this kind of surprise on you. Cyrus told me all about that failed surprise party he had when you were seven.”
“The one where I hid in the bathroom crying when they brought out a piñata with my face on it?”
I smirk.
She rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, what was my dad thinking? But you’re smart to never try to recreate that because I’d never forgive you if I saw that piñata from hell again!”
“I know better,” I say, still laughing. “Trust me, I won’t make that mistake. But are you feeling better about things, honey? You know that your comfort level is my first priority and I want you to be happy. Just tell me if anything feels off or really weird.”
Alyssa bites her lip, shifting a bit on the couch.
“Well, this may be splitting hairs, but I want to ask anyways. I know you and Bart didn’t plan our threesome in advance, but did the two of you ever talk about a threesome just in general terms?”
I think for a moment.
“Kind of, I guess.”
She looks up at me with a searching look. “What does that mean?”
I shrug.
“Well, we’ve never straight up said ‘Dude, you in a for a threesome’ but guys talk about shit like that. We also talk about orgies, pulling a train, gangbangs, fisting and bukkake, in case you’re interested. What can I say? We’re dirty bastards when there are no women around.”
Alyssa makes a face and shakes her head.
“Ugh, I don’t even want to know about some of that stuff.”
I grin at her.
“I think you do, sweetheart. You’re exactly our type of naughty girl. Trust me, you’d like some of it.”
She rolls her eyes.
“So it was just generalized comments about threesomes though?”
I nod.
“Yeah, we’d reference our fave porn stars and that kind of thing.”
Alyssa pins me with a look.
“Did you ever mention me specifically though? In relation to a threesome?”
I decide to tell the truth.
“I have,” I say slowly. “I did say that I thought you might enjoy being spit-roasted, and Bart was definitely interested.”
“Spit-roasted?” she asks with confusion. “What’s that?”
“You,” I say. “Laid out nude with one cock crammed in your mouth and one crammed in your pussy. That kind of spit-roasted.”
My girlfriend goes beet red and trembles a little, but I can tell she’s aroused.
“Oh my God,” is her scandalized whisper. “I can’t believe it. Spit-roasted. Who even knew it was a thing?”
I shrug and smirk again.
“I think you would like it, sweetheart. Just saying.”
She takes a deep breath, obviously trying to get a hold on her emotions. “What else did you talk about? Pertaining to me specifically?”
I shrug.
“I might have said a few things about how great you are, and how lucky I am to be dating you. Typical guy stuff.”