Page 8 of Dirty Talk (Get Dirty 1)
“I’ve got it,” Kat says. “I’ll get back to you after I break up with Kevin. It’s been a weird night and I guess it’s going to get even weirder. Guess I gotta go tell Kevin his dick busted him on the internet and he can get fucked elsewhere . . . permanently. I can do this.”
“Damn right, you can,” I tell her. “You can do this, Kitty Kat. Remember, you deserve better. I’ll be waiting for your report.”
Kat laughs and we hang up. I don’t know what just happened but my body feels light, bubbly inside as I take a big breath to get ready for the next segment of tonight’s show.
Chapter 3
I knock on the door to Kevin’s apartment, the voice of Derrick the Love Whisperer still running around in my head. I deserve better than to be cheated on.
“Hey, babe,” Kevin says when he opens his door. He’s still wearing his ‘work clothes,’ a black tank top with KH Nutrition emblazoned on it along with track pants that are just a little tight and normally worn just a little low on his hips when he works out. I’ve never really understood why he does it, but it’s part of his ‘thang.’ Every Instagram pic and video he does, he whips off the tank, adjusts his track pants in a way that highlights the Adonis belt V-cut of his abs, then flexes and sort of makes a hooting grunt before finishing the show with “KH, Bay-bay!”
I used to think it was sexy, in a musclehead, caveman-ish sort of way. No longer. “Don’t ‘hey, babe’ me,” I growl, looking up into his eyes. I’m not in work clothes, so I’m missing the extra inches of height my heels normally give me. But I’m a legit five-two of fury right now, so I don’t care if he’s nearly a foot taller. “How long have you been fucking her behind my back?”
“Huh?” Kevin asks, but in his eyes I can see he has a damn good idea what I’m talking about.
“Don’t act stupid, you son of a bitch!” I hiss, poking him in the chest. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. Titty Fuck Girl. Where’d you meet her, the gym? When you went out shopping for a new smartphone with the money I gave you because you swore you needed the better camera for your Instagram page? How long has it been going on, Kevin?”
Kevin looks up and down the hallway. For a guy whose Internet presence makes him look like a big baller, he’s living in a cracker box POS apartment building, and I know he’s worried about his neighbors hearing me blab his private business. “Come on inside. We can talk—”
“If you don’t tell me how long it’s been going on, I’m going to put my knee right in your nuts,” I growl. “This isn’t a negotiation, Kevin.” It really doesn’t matter at this point. It’s most likely just going to make me angrier, but I can’t stop myself.
He looks like he’s about to run but sighs. “Fine. I met her a couple of months ago when she came into the gym. I was filming a squat.”
“What? So she just walked up behind you to compliment your form and suddenly, you’re in bed?” I laugh, realizing just how short I sold myself. He’s fake—the tan, the persona, the entire image. Just to get more followers.
Kevin looks sheepish but nods. “She said she’d promote my supps, do some spots on her Instagram feed, and let me shoot some selfies with her wearing a KH tank top.”
“So you titty fucked her?” I hiss, shaking my head. Seriously, what the fuck? I can hardly take it as I stare at his chiseled face, wanting so badly to slap him. “Do you realize how ridiculous you sound right now? How stupid do you think I am?”
Kevin looks pouty, the same look he used when he hit me up for four hundred bucks for his new smartphone. “You never believe in me, never think I can be successful even though I work so hard.”
It’s in this moment that I see it. Though his face is schooled into a puppy dog look, his eyes are alight as he turns the blame back on me, thinking he’s pulled one over on me once again. And all the fire leaves me. I’m mad he cheated, but I don’t even really like him right now, and honestly, I haven’t for a long time but was too afraid to do anything about it.
My voice takes a parental, lecturing tone. “You’re not working. You’re a lazy ass who spends hours at the gym bullshitting with the bros and thinking some scam is going to magically make you money without your having to actually do anything. But you know what? I looked the other way for too long even though everyone told me you were no good. None of that even matters now. You cheated on me. Done. Game over.”