Page 76 of Dirty Talk (Get Dirty 1)
“Cramp,” I hiss, my cock slowly wilting as the now cool water splashes down my back and ass to drip off my balls. “We need to put a step in here if this is going to be a regular thing.”
Kat blinks, then chuckles as she raises an eyebrow. “Is that your way of saying I’m short?”
I laugh lightly, pulling her in to me, our bodies slippery and slick against each other. “Of course not, you’re not short, you’re just fun-sized. You just need a little lift so I can really give it to you like I want.”
“Is that your way of inviting me to move in?” She’s smiling, but I can see the smallest hint of uncertainty in the depths of her eyes.
“As soon as you can break your lease,” I reply. “I want to go to sleep with you in my arms, wake up with you in our bed, and spend every day together. I’m ready when you are.”
Chapter 28
The box is busy, but Jacob had warned us of that. The team’s facing their last home game, and it’s a must-win situation according to Derrick, so a lot of the players used their allotments for this game, resulting in a box filled with a dozen or more people. Thankfully, all of them are family of Jacob’s teammates. It makes things . . . interesting.
“So you’re the one who wrote that app?” one of them, a bubbly, curly-haired woman named Rachel asks. “I just downloaded that last week. Girl, let me tell you, that has been a godsend. I’ve been able to do so much more, and Jerry’s been happier too! He’s been able to see that I’m not just wasting time being some WAG. Now, let me ask you . . . think you can write a day trading app?”
I chuckle, sipping the flute of champagne that comes with the box seats. “I could, but I doubt it’d be better than what’s out there. Why?”
“A deal Jerry and I have. Each season, we take one game check each and we get to invest it the way we want. He does it in real estate, and he’s made some good deals. But I do day trading. I’d like to squeeze out another three percent.”
“Why’s that?” I ask, trying not to let on that her blithely playing with thousands of dollars makes me a little twitchy. I mean, my job doesn’t have me scraping to pay the bills anymore . . . but it’s not like I can drop money like this on a whim.
“Whoever gets a bigger return . . . gets to be in charge of our anniversary celebration,“ Rachel says, giggling. “Last year, I won, and I think Jerry liked it. So this year I want to go whole hog. Leather, chains . . . he might be a football stud, but if I can get that three percent, he’s gonna be my little bitch.”
I gawk, then laugh. “You should talk to my boyfriend, Derrick. He’ll-”
“Oh, we all know Derrick,” Rachel whispers. “Half the players and wives listen in . . . congrats. That was one hell of an interview, girl! Now come on, game’s about to start.”
We sit down, me in between Derrick and Daniel, who insists that I call him Dad. He’s still recovering from his heart attack, but he looks a lot stronger in just a few weeks, and we make up for his lack of strength with our own cheering.
“You still don’t have any clue what’s going on, do you?” Derrick whispers as he leans over during one of the timeouts. “Didn’t get to read that book?”
“I tried, but I’ve been kinda busy,” I deadpan. We both chuckle, although it’s not too dark a chuckle.
It hasn’t been very easy, dealing with the aftermath. So far, Susannah’s trying to cover her ass, being as ‘cooperative’ as possible in the hopes that Derrick and I don’t go after her with a civil suit. But that’s not the hard part. While the Monday show after our getting back together had plenty of respectful, supportive callers and guests, Derrick’s had to deal with a little backlash from some of his female fans.
There were a few emails from pearl-clutchers who didn’t appreciate that he called me his ‘dirty slut’ in our phone sex recordings, but he handled it with his usual aplomb that what consenting adults do and say in the privacy of their own sex lives isn’t up for judgement by folks who aren’t involved. I cringed a little when he reminded everyone that he hadn’t invited them into his dirty talk, but it seemed to shut the critics up.
The other backlash was related to his appeal, at least partially, being because of his apparent ‘availability’ and he shattered quite a few fantasies when his girlfriend came on the air and we publicly said we love each other and were moving in together.