Page 32 of Dirty Talk (Get Dirty 1)
There’s a cool early fall wind ruffling the collar of my leather jacket as I get out of my car and head toward Kat’s building. It’s not the fanciest apartment building in the city, but it’s cozy. It suits her, not flashy but somehow just right when you pay you attention and really see its charm.
I walk up the stairs to the third floor, nervous for some reason. It’s not like we don’t kinda know each other. After all, we’ve talked and sent messages back and forth for weeks . . . and we’ve rocked each other’s bodies to the point I’m aching while still wanting more.
But this is different. This isn’t a late night video chat and booty call. This is a real date, and there’s real consequences to this.
In the days since our little impromptu sleepover, we’ve been almost mentally inseparable. Text messages have led to phone calls. Phone calls have led to flirting, and even one more late night rush over here to tear our clothes off for hot, pulse-pounding, brain-rattling sex that has shaken me to the very core.
So here we are. We’re both off work tonight and I’m picking her up for our first real date. Maybe we’re going at this whole thing backward, sex first and getting to know each other after, but I’m determined to play on the attraction we’ve had from the beginning because no one has intrigued me quite like Kat has in a very long time. She deserves, hell we deserve, a proper date with fancy clothes, dinner, and a walk around the park. A date where we’re going to talk face to face, where all the nuances and details can’t be hidden behind emojis and blurry screens that lag at the most inopportune moments.
Knocking on her door, it feels strange to have her open up and see that she’s not half naked or more, her full breasts heaving with desire and her eyes sparkling with need.
Instead, when the door opens, she looks . . . almost shy. Her beautiful hair is pulled back in a ponytail and her eyes are guarded, like she realizes something is different, special about tonight too. “Hi.”
“Hi,” I reply, nervous as well. I look her over and realize one of the biggest differences. Every other time I’ve seen Kat, she’s been barefoot. No idea why that’s what I notice first, but I do.
She’s wearing sky high heels, at least six inches tall, her poor toes nearly bent ninety degrees in them. Her jeans hug her thighs and hips, showing off her curves in delicious relief. Her left shoulder peeks out of an off-center sweater that looks soft and inviting, making my palms itch to pet it.
“Would you like to come in?” Kat asks after a moment, and I understand. I’ve been standing in her doorway like an idiot ogling her. “Uhm, if there’s time.”
“No rush,” I reply, giving her my most reassuring smile. “Actually, the place I picked out was in the park. You might actually want to change shoes.”
Kat looks down, blushing. “But . . .then I’ll be short. I thought these heels were . . .sexy, and I didn’t want to look so short next to you.”
I blink, surprised, and say the first thing that comes to mind. “I haven’t minded your height when your ankles have been wrapped around my head.”
Kat blushes more deeply, then laughs. “Good point. Okay, well, fill me in on the plans and I can adjust.”
“I thought we could go down to Jordan Park, there’s a restaurant that gets great views of the pond over there and has some of the best crab soup in the entire city. Good other stuff too, if you’re not up for crab.”
“No . . . I love crab,” Kat replies, smiling. “Did I tell you that before?”
“No, but you mentioned something about seafood once, so I ran with it.”
Kat smiles and goes to change into some more appropriate shoes, wedge-heeled boots that still bring her up a few inches, but aren’t going to have her walking a tightrope down the sidewalk. We head downstairs, and I do a slight double take when she reaches into her small purse and pulls out her wallet. “Wow . . . what is that thing?”
She looks at the device, which has carbon fiber sides and a couple of other high tech looking things on it. “Nerd moment. It looks a little intimidating, but I’m just techy. My wallet is RFID scanner secure, waterproof, and holds my IDs, cards, and work access behind an access code. You can never be too safe these days, especially in my industry.” She uses a swipe card to let us out of a side door, and slips the contraption back into her purse.
I chuckle, “Wow. Talk nerdy to me some more. I think I like it.”