Page 4 of Princess and the Cowboy (Justice)
“What’s wrong?” I can feel people around us starting to stare.
Edgar, Glorianna’s husband, comes rushing up behind her, trying to pull her back. But no one tells Glorianna what to do. Ever. He must not have gotten the memo. Cameron Hyde-Franklin and the giant man she brought with her, Tucker Justice, rush over too. Everyone seems a bit worked up, and I’m so lost as to what is even going on.
“Glorianna, be reasonable here. We all know Maria would never betray you,” Cam cuts in coolly. She’s always had this cool gracefulness about her.
“Reasonable?” Glorianna screeches. “She was all over Edgar last night. You should have seen her.” Wait. Why is she pointing at me? I wasn’t all over her husband. I stare at my sister in shock as she starts to mimic me. “Edgar, can I get you something to drink? Edgar, would you like some sauce I made for you?” I can’t believe she would even think I would do that to her. She knows how important family is to me.
“I made that sauce for you, Glorianna.” Tears start to burn in my eyes.
“Then why is Edgar telling Cam and Tucker that you’ve been sleeping together?”
“He was going to try to sleep with her! Will you listen?”
“I was trying to help you. You went and told your woman.” Edgar speaks for the first time, his words directed at Tucker. He doesn’t even try to deny that he said those things. He’s more concerned that someone repeated them and not the fact that he lied.
“I don’t keep things from my woman,” Tucker responds, not looking sorry at all. I don’t blame him. I never cared for Edgar, but gross!
“She’s a cunt.” The word is barely out of Edgar’s mouth and Tucker is slamming his fist into his jaw. Edgar goes flying backwards. Well, if everyone wasn’t already staring, they are now.
“You’re a whore.” Glorianna hisses at me, not caring that her husband is now laid out on the floor. “You’ve always wanted what I have. It’s pathetic.”
“It really is,” I agree as tears stream down my face.
“You’re a bitch.” Cam actually shoves Glorianna back from me. “Tucker! Leave that man be.”
“Wait 'til I tell your father about this.” Glorianna smiles triumphantly. “His perfect little girl is not so perfect anymore.”
“I never claimed to be perfect,” I whisper, wiping at my cheeks.
“I think that’s the problem,” Cam says. “Maria is perfect without even trying.”
Glorianna snaps her head Cam’s way.
“I’m not the one,” Cam warns her. “Pick your husband off the floor and get out of here.” I’m a bit surprised when Glorianna actually gives me one last glare, telling me this isn’t over before she does as Cam said. “Come on.” Cam takes my hand, leading me out of the ballroom.
“I can’t go home,” I say more to myself when I realize we’re leaving. Glorianna and Edgar will be there.
“You want to come home with me?” Cam offers, not missing a beat. She never does.
“Back to your hotel?”
“Texas.” She gives me a bright smile.
“Seriously?” I glance over to where Tucker is. He’s hovering over us like our own personal bodyguard.
“Of course. You’re more than welcome.”
“Okay,” I agree. It feels good to finally get to pick what I want to do for once.
“A princess? A real live princess is coming to stay on the Justice land?” Tyson hoots. “If the Edison girls didn’t hate you before, they are going to now.” His merry face turns suddenly grim. “I’m sort of serious. They are going to hate her. You better not tell anyone, or they’ll crucify her. Like haul her out of the ranch, dump her in a vat of honey, and lay her out for the ants.”
“That’s a gruesome picture.” I take a bite of my burger. “She could be a troll. Lots of royals are ugly as sin because of all the inbreeding.”
“Still a princess. Has crowns and thrones and shit. You know that half the school would give their left tit to have that kind of privilege. Ah shit. Where is she going?” Tyson clambers down off the hood of the truck and gestures for me to move. His girl, Rory, is on the move.
“Sounds like a big ass burden.” I finish my burger and slide over to the driver’s door. “I thought she was working today.”
Tyson scowls at the taillights of Rory’s barely working Jeep as they bounce over a pothole on Main.
“She is. I bet Martinez has her delivering. I told him that he can’t do that anymore after she was attacked by the meth-head over on Arizona Avenue. I don’t know what you’d want with a princess anyway. Like you said, big ass burdens, plus you belong here with your land and horses. Princesses are parties and people and big houses in the city. Turn left. She’s turning left.”