Page 24 of Princess and the Cowboy (Justice)
Birdie squeezes my biceps. “Don’t worry about a thing, Sterling. You’re going to knock him dead.”
“Hope not literally, though,” Blake teases.
I shoot him a death stare, which only makes him laugh more. He slaps me on the back hard enough to make me stumble forward. “You got this, kid. I believe in you.” He flips his thumbs up and disappears down the hall. I wish I could go with him.
“Come on. Let’s greet your future father-in-law,” Birdie whispers.
I stiffen my spine—and my knees—and walk over to the door. It flies open, and Edgar appears. “Introducing His Royal—”
“Not here, Edgar,” interrupts Prince Harold. He takes off his hat and shoves it at Edgar before strolling forward to shake Calder’s hand. “I’m Harold Costatelli. Thank you for housing my daughter.”
“Calder Justice. We’re pleased to have her. Unfortunately, she went into Dallas today with my cousin’s fiancée, Cameron Hyde-Franklin, but we sent the chopper for her, and she should be here soon.”
“Ah, the Cameron Hyde-Franklin girl. I know her. Wasn’t she at the Lake Como party where you tried to use Maria to make Glorianna jealous?”
Edgar pales. “I-I-I explained that was a misunderstanding, sir. Maria had misinterpreted things.”
The dad grunts. “That’s why I’m here. To get everything sorted out.”
Calder shows no signs of emotion, but internally I can tell his wheels are turning. Mine, too, although I think I know what’s going on. Edgar spun up some excuse to stay on the family dole, and Prince Harold is smart enough to figure out that the lies aren’t adding up. Best come to the source and have it all out. I like him. “I’m Sterling Justice,” I say, stepping forward.
Prince Harold’s eyes narrow. “I’ve heard about you.”
That didn’t sound good, but my smile doesn’t dim a watt. Can’t show any fear here. “If it’s good, it’s true, and if it’s bad, well, I hope you give me a chance to explain. Where’s your luggage? I’ll show you to your room.”
“My staff will bring it, but yes, show me to the room. I’ve got some questions for you.”
If I didn’t love Maria so much, I might’ve raced out of the house under Prince Harold’s withering glare. But I give him a short nod and remind myself that after Maria and I get hitched, we’ll probably end up spending a lot of time with her dad, so I better start off on the right foot. “Ask away. I’m happy to answer all your questions.”
I groan when I spot my papa’s guards lingering outside of the main house of the Justice ranch. What the heck is Sterling going to think of all this? Is my father going to have him running for the hills? He already thought I was a bit stuck-up when I first got here. I’m sure seeing my papa’s entourage didn't help that perception.
They each give me a firm nod when I draw closer. I wave back at them. Most have been with my father for years.
“You’re here,” Birdie says, opening the front door before I can get to it.
“How are things?”
“Your father has Sterling alone in his room, and that Edgar jackass is in the kitchen acting like he runs this place.”
“I’m sorry.” I cringe. They’ve all been so welcoming, and now I’ve gone and brought all this drama to their doorstep. I dread having to see Edgar again after what he pulled at the party. I’m still unsure of why he’s even here.
“Don’t be. This is like my own reality TV show but with royalty.” She actually looks thrilled by all of this.
“We’re not royalty.” I laugh. I mean we are, but not how Americans often think of it.
“Don’t ruin this for me. It was so freaking cool watching your father get off that helicopter.”
“Fine. Show me to my papa’s room or I’ll have his guard behead you.” Birdie bursts into laughter. “Did they roll out the red carpet and everything?”
“They did. It was everything.” She giggles harder.
“Should you be laughing this much? It jiggles the baby around,” Calder asks, popping out of freaking nowhere. I swear that man always has his eyes on Birdie. These giant Justice men move far too quietly for their size.
“You didn’t have a problem jiggling me around this morning when we were in bed.” Birdie puts her hands on her hips as she pretends to glare up at Calder. It’s actually pretty comical seeing her try to be stern with him based on their size difference. There is no missing the laughter that still lingers in her eyes, though. She loves how protective Calder is over her.
“That’s different,” he mutters, looking annoyed.
“You’re just jealous someone else made me laugh.”
“I can make you laugh.” He stands up straighter, ready for any challenge Birdie might toss his way.
“Both of you need to focus before my papa scares Sterling away.” I cut in between the two of them. I wish I didn’t have to because I rather enjoy their banter.