Page 15 of Princess and the Cowboy (Justice)
“I can’t get over how sweet you taste,” he says when he lifts his mouth from mine.
“I thought maybe you were over kissing me.”
“Over kissing you? All I can think about is my mouth all over you.”
“Me too.” I run my hands up his broad chest. “Sorry I passed out on you last night.”
“That was the best damn compliment I’ve ever gotten.” He smirks.
“I mean I didn’t…” I trail off, glancing down between us. I can feel his erection pressing into me.
“Trust me. I more than got off on what we did. Don’t worry about that.”
“What if I want to worry about that? You could show me how to return the favor. How to make you feel good.” My hands drift down his chest, my fingers tracing over every inch of him.
“We’re going back.” He grunts out.
As easily as he plucked me off my horse, he lifts me again, only to turn me this time to face forward. “Honey.” He whistles to the horse I was riding earlier. She listens to him and gallops next to us as he guides me back toward the stables.
He wraps one arm around me, holding me snugly against him. I lean back into him. “You know if you ever want me to move out of your room just tell me, okay? I don’t want to make this awkward or anything. I know we’re just having fun.” I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince him of this or myself.
“The hell? I thought you enjoyed how I put you to bed last night,” he grunts, sounding almost hurt.
“I did!” I rush to say. “I just know we’re having fun, and I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“While you’re here, the only place you’ll be is in my bed.” He leans down, nibbling at my neck.
“Okay,” I agree as we draw closer to the barn. That mouth of his would have me agreeing to just about anything.
“Let me.” He grabs me by the hips, lifting me out of the saddle to help me down before he hops off easily. I had no idea watching a man handle horses could be so damn sexy, but he does it as easily as I walk. They do not make men like Sterling where I come from.
“You want to roll around in the hay?” I suggest. I may have taken the liberty to look some things up this morning. I wanted to familiarize myself with some ranch lingo. A deep sexy laugh leaves him that travels straight to my sex. “What’s so funny?”
“The saying is take a roll in the hay, and no, I don’t want to.” He leads the horses into the barn.
“Okay.” I linger in the barn doors, watching him. That’s not the response I thought I was going to get.
“You deserve more than a roll around in the hay, darling. I’d never do that to your soft delicate skin.” If it meant a repeat of last night, I couldn’t care less about a few scratches.
“Sterling!” A feminine voice calls. I turn to see a beautiful curvy blonde coming toward the barn. She pushes her sunglasses up into her hair. She gives me a dismissive glance like I’m not even worth her time. “I’ve come for a ride, handsome.” Even her voice is sexy.
“Heather?” Sterling shuts the hatch on one of the stalls. “What are you doing here?”
“I missed you last night. You canceled on me,” she huffs before she suddenly jumps right into his arms. I turn around, not wanting to see what’s coming next, and dart back toward the house.
He has a girlfriend? What the hell? That is not the kind of mistake I’d even let myself be a part of. I’m starting to understand why you let your parents pick your husband.
“Heather, what in the hell was that all about?” I squint in frustration at Maria’s back as she scampers toward the big house.
Heather pushes her lower lip out in a pronounced pout as I set her down on the ground and back my way to the stall, busying myself with the tack.
“We were all geared up for the bonfire but got the word that you had to cancel. I rushed out here first thing to make sure you were all right.” She lifts a bag I hadn’t even realized she had in her hand. “I brought you my nana’s homemade chicken noodle soup with the hand-tossed noodles you liked so much.” Heather approaches and reaches a hand out to ruffle my hair. I duck out of reach and swing the saddle into my arms, putting a decent barrier between me and the octopus. Is she going to undress again? I cast a quick gaze around the barn for some backup, but the place is empty.
“I’m great and not hungry.” My stomach growls as if on cue. I glower and tell the damned organ to shut the hell up.