Page 38 of Illicit (The Wrong Alpha 3)
It would have to be enough.
Chapter 18
Anthony wasn’t home when Liam went downstairs for breakfast.
“The viscount left in the middle of the night for the country estate, Master Liam,” the butler said.
Thanking him absentmindedly, Liam focused on his breakfast. But he didn’t have an appetite. There was an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach, as if something bad was about to happen. Why would Anthony leave in a hurry for the country estate?
Uncle Wayne was there. He had moved back into the house to oversee the estate while Anthony was in the city.
Dread churned in Liam’s gut and slowly crawled its way up his throat.
“What’s with the long face?” Jules said, plopping down in the seat across from him.
“I’m worried.”
“What about?”
Jules shot him a sharp look.
Liam couldn’t help it: he averted his gaze.
Jules’s eyes widened. He sat up straighter. “Tell me you didn’t.”
Beyond uncomfortable, Liam looked anywhere but at him. He couldn’t lie.
“Liam!” Jules choked out.
Dropping his gaze to his tea, Liam stirred it with his spoon.
His brother let out an exasperated sigh.
After a long, awkward silence, Jules said, “Is he that good?” There was something like morbid curiosity in his voice.
Liam glared at him, his face very warm. He didn’t know what to say.
He glanced around the room, to make sure none of the servants were present. “Last night I overheard someone plotting to kill Anthony.”
Jules chuckled. “It’s not funny. Don’t try to change the subject.”
“I’m not trying to be funny.” Liam took a deep breath before he started talking.
He told Jules what he’d overheard and his conversation with Anthony. By the time Liam finished, he felt frustrated and anxious all over again. Being reminded of the attempt on Anthony’s life and another attempt that might happen at any time—might be happening right now, for all he knew—made a ball of anxiety knot together in the back of his throat.
“You really think it’s Uncle?” Jules said, frowning.
Liam scoffed. “Who else? Sometimes the obvious answer is the correct one.”
Jules sighed, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. “I don’t know… I can’t deny I want him to rot in jail for the rest of his life, but I’m not exactly unbiased on the issue, so I’m not sure I can be objective about it.” His face darkened. “Even if it’s really him, he’s good at hiding his crimes. I went to the basement—after, you know… and there’s nothing there anymore. I doubt Anthony will find proof of his guilt even if he is guilty.”
“That’s why I’m worried,” Liam said. “Uncle is good at not getting caught. What if he tries to kill Anthony while they’re alone in the country house?”
“Anthony is a war veteran. He’s a fit, strong alpha. I’m sure he can handle himself.”
“You don’t understand,” Liam said, frustrated by Jules’s lack of concern. He got to his feet and started pacing the room. “Uncle isn’t going to play fair—you know that, Jules! He had some goons helping him lock up and guard your Xeus. Even being a war veteran wouldn’t help Anthony if he’s ambushed by a bunch of goons. We need to go back!”
Jules shot him a long, penetrating look. “You’re very worried for him. I’ve never seen you like this.”
Glowering at him, Liam ground out, “Concern for a brother’s safety is completely normal. I would be as concerned if it were you or Eric.”
Jules raised his eyebrows, his skepticism obvious, but thankfully, he didn’t actually say anything to voice his disbelief. Liam wasn’t sure he could handle it right now.
“Fine,” Jules said. “Let’s say Anthony is in danger. How can we help him, exactly? We’re omegas. I hate to agree with stereotypes, but we really are kind of useless against a bunch of alphas if there’s a physical altercation. We’d be just a minor inconvenience at most. There’s bravery, and then there’s stupidity.”
“We would be possible witnesses,” Liam said. “Our presence won’t allow Uncle to act.”
“Li,” Jules said in an uncharacteristically patient tone. “I hate Uncle more than you can imagine—he’s a piece of shit that only cares about his own interests and will walk over anyone to get what he wants—but even I don’t think he’d be stupid enough to attack Anthony in broad daylight in Anthony’s own home. He’d try to be more subtle about it.”
“Maybe he’s running out of time,” Liam said, starting to pace again. “I don’t know! Poisoning someone isn’t very subtle, either.”
A wrinkle formed between Jules’s brows. “I guess.”
“Come on, we need to go to the country house! As soon as possible. I have a bad feeling.” Catching the strange, measuring look Jules was giving him, Liam snapped, “What?”
“You have a bad feeling,” Jules said, his tone uncomfortable. “As in, just a bad feeling or about Anthony? That’s—that’s the behavior of a mate.” He looked at Liam’s covered throat. “You didn’t let him bite you, right? Right?”