Page 40 of Feral (The Wrong Alpha 2)
Julian glared at him, his cheekbones a little pink. “That was a dick move,” he said, glancing back at Nasr, who was left standing in the middle of the dance floor.
“He’s much too old for you,” Devlin said, stroking his thumb against Julian’s wrist.
“Stop scent-marking me,” Julian gritted out, his color heightening. “And he isn’t too old. He’s half Korf’s age.”
“That shouldn’t be your measuring stick,” Devlin said. “I told you I wouldn’t allow your uncle to give you to Korf. You deserve better.”
Julian chuckled. “Better? Who?”
Devlin’s lips thinned. “Someone better than Nasr.”
“There’s nothing wrong with Viscount Nasr. He’s perfectly nice and pleasant, and he actually sees me for being me. I’ve known him forever—he has a neighboring estate. He was always nice to me when I was a child.”
“That hardly says good things about him, does it? What a creep.”
Julian stomped on his right foot. “You’re being an ass,” he said, his voice a mix of annoyed and bewildered. He blinked a few times. “I don’t understand you. You can be so good to me sometimes, and then you act like—like this!—like an arrogant, high-handed prick I want to punch.” His voice dropped. “The viscount was perfectly nice to me, Devlin. I like him. But now you scared him off for no reason. I doubt he’ll approach me again.”
“If he’s scared off that easily, he isn’t worthy of you,” Devlin said stiffly. “There will be better options.”
Julian’s smile was a little twisted. “Right.”
Devlin gave him a frustrated look. He knew that after the “kind of pretty” fiasco, nothing he could say would convince Julian that he wasn’t unattractive. He wouldn’t believe Devlin if he told him something different now. And he would have liked to. Devlin could remember thinking during their first meeting that Liam’s brother was nothing special, but now those thoughts seemed strange and ridiculous. Julian was… he was nice to look at. While his appearance wasn’t striking and he might appear plain at first glance, Julian had the kind of face that grew on you. It was bizarre, but he seemed to become more lovely with each meeting. Devlin liked looking at him, watching his endearing little face and expressive eyes.
“I like Viscount Nasr,” Julian said without looking at him. “He’s a good option.”
“A good option? What happened to marriage not being a business transaction?”
A strange expression flickered over Julian’s face. “You happened,” he said quietly.
Devlin missed a step. “What?”
Julian smiled tightly, still not looking at him. “I mean you’ve convinced me of your point of view, Your Grace. Congratulations. You were right.”
Devlin stared at him, unease churning in his gut. “That doesn’t mean you should settle for some mediocre alpha who’s—”
“It’s none of your business.”
“I’m just looking out for you,” Devlin said tersely.
“Thanks, but I don’t need you to look out for me. Focus on my brother. It’s him you should be looking out for.”
Before Devlin could say anything, the dance ended, and Julian pulled away and disappeared into the crowd. Devlin was left standing there alone, ignoring people’s curious gazes on him and feeling more frustrated than he’d felt in a long time.
Julian spent the rest of the evening avoiding him—or at least it felt that way. With each passing hour, Devlin grew more irritated. He stood beside Liam, barely hearing what he was saying as his eyes tracked Julian on the dance floor.
He was dancing with Nasr again.
“I think they suit,” Liam said, following his gaze. “Don’t you think so, Your Grace?”
Devlin said nothing, sipping his drink.
“I’m ever so pleased I remembered that Viscount Nasr has always liked Jules,” Liam said. “He’s recently widowed and he has an omega child who needs to grow up under an omega’s care. It’s perfect.”
Devlin took another sip from his drink. “Don’t you think your brother deserves better than to be a replacement parent for another omega’s child? And Nasr is a pedophile if he’s ‘always liked’ him.”
Liam looked at him oddly. He seemed to hesitate before saying, “No offense, Your Grace, but I think I’m a better judge of Viscount Nasr’s character, as I’ve actually known him all my life. And let me remind you that you’re ten years older than me, which is practically the same age difference.”
“You have a problem with math if you think seventeen is practically the same as ten.”
Liam frowned.
Damn it. What are you doing? Control yourself.
“My apologies, Liam,” Devlin said with a sigh, forcing himself to soften his voice. “It’s been a busy day for me, and I’m not good company tonight.”
Liam’s frown disappeared. “Of course. I understand. I’m quite tired myself. Shall we leave the ball?”
Devlin nodded.
He let Liam fetch his brother, not wanting to be accused of being an interfering dick again.
Julian still glanced at him suspiciously. “I don’t need to leave the ball with you two,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m having fun.”