Page 53 of The Forsaken King
My heart gave a squeeze. I didn’t know why.
He got to his feet and turned around, meeting my look with a stone-cold gaze. “Just so we’re clear.” He pulled the drawstring to his breeches and dropped them to the floor, getting down to his nakedness.
My gaze remained on his face, my eyes shifting back and forth between his.
He grabbed the glass of dark liquid on his nightstand and took a drink before he got into bed beside me. He lay there, one arm propped behind his head, his eyes on the ceiling. The divot in his chest was visible in the light, the way his sternum was concave instead of flat.
“But I’m not.”
His head turned to me, his jaw clean because he’d shaved sometime while we were apart. “Then why?”
“I don’t know…the same reason you are.” I didn’t have a reason. All of this just happened. It was a slow burn, but once the fire started to roar, it consumed us both. I still remembered the first time I saw him—or, at least, his eyes inside his helmet. It started off sterile and distant but turned into heated and intimate.
“I’m sure Geralt has a cabin like yours, but you don’t see me running to his bed.”
He propped himself up on his arm and looked at me head on.
I was paralyzed by that stare, by the strength of it, by the way it could make me cower with just its intensity. “I’m here because I want to be.”
He held his silence, his eyes still burning through my skin, right to the bone.
I drew nearer, crawling toward him, my face coming close to his.
He stared at my mouth, stared at it like he had the first time we kissed, as if he needed to take a moment before the collision. His hand slid onto my cheek then into my hair, gentle rather than possessive like this morning, and he pulled me in for a kiss.
My mouth was on fire the second we were in contact, as if I’d kissed a log right in the fire. Our lips came together, broke apart, and then he gave me his expert tongue. He guided me closer with his hand, deepening the kiss.
I pushed him to his back and straddled him as I continued our kiss, my soaked sex sitting right on top of his hard cock. The second they were in contact, he gave a moan, his hot skin feeling my wetness. His hand went to my ass, and he squeezed it as he kissed me, his hips already sliding slightly, to glide through my wetness just a bit.
He was right against my clit—and it felt good.
I ground my hips too, listening to the sounds of our slick bodies as they moved together, my aching lips losing their focus as they struggled to draw breath. My hands gripped his shoulders for balance, and all the soreness from a hard day’s work vanished.
He scooted back, his frame against the headboard, and he guided my hips up as he pointed his dick inside me. With eyes glued to mine, he slid the tip inside, and then he tugged on my hips to bring me down, to sheathe him like he was a blade.
My nails clawed at his chest as they made their way down, and my teeth absentmindedly bit my lower lip.
I went as far as I could, until it started to hurt. I couldn’t believe something so big could fit inside me, and if I weren’t always wet at just the sight of him now, this would be anatomically impossible.
Impatient, he started to guide me up and down, pull me to the head of his cock and then push me back down to his balls again. The back of his head rested against the wall, and he dropped his gaze down my body, looking at my tits and my stomach, even looking at the nub between my legs. He watched me fuck him, his face tinting with a red flush, his eyes darkening while his dick hardened even more.
I rolled my hips every time I came down, scooping his dick farther inside me before I rose again, my cream sheathing his base.
His hands came up and gripped my tits, his thumbs flicking over my nipples to make them harden. He gave them a firm squeeze and a moan before he grabbed my ass again and gave me a hard smack.
Like a horse that had been kicked, I went faster.
He hit me again, as if that wasn’t fast enough.
I dropped my hips and rolled them over and over, taking in his length while I panted and sweated.
His thumb pressed against my clit, and he rubbed it, hard and fast, in a perfect circular motion.
My hips made an automatic jerk at his touch, and I gave a moan, the kind of moan that made my eyes water just a bit. It was a warning of what was to come, of the way he was going to make me come.