Page 19 of The Christmas Virgin: A Filthy Dirty Christmas
“Fuck, sweetness.” See, I had no idea what to get Warren for Christmas. We both have everything we want or need, so I thought outside of the box.
“Merry Christmas.” I woke up early, somehow managing to not jostle him from his sleep.
“Halo, thought I had everything I needed before we met. Now I know that’s not true. You are my everything.” I’m trying to hold my composure, not cry and ruin this crazy idea I formulated in my mind. When you spend just about every waking moment with your man, it makes it hard to shop. Thankfully, there’s the Internet, and after telling Rita my plan, she was my number-one hype fan, then I pulled the trigger. By the way, no one has ever once said a word to me about our relationship. That could be because Rita threatened to castrate someone if they gave me any kind of hell. I knew she meant it. They did as well.
“Warren,” I breathe, emotion clogging my throat as he drops to his knees to where I’m lying in front of the Christmas tree, a Santa hat on my head, lingerie wrapped around my body in the shape of a bright red bow, which was not easy to put on by myself, but with one pull on a string, I’d unravel for Warren.
“I love you, Halo. I don’t give a shit if people think it’s too soon or not, I know it down to my bones.” He cups my cheek, and I sit up. I’m done with holding myself together. I need him to know that his feelings are one thousand percent reciprocated.
“I love you, too, Warren.” I launch myself into his arms, almost tipping him over with my enthusiasm. His lips touch mine. This is the best Christmas present a girl could ever receive.
One Year Later
“He’s so beautiful, Warren.” I look at my husband. He’s reclined in the chair, cradling our son, Jeremy. We got married a few months into our relationship. My parents flew out to Colorado, his parents, sister, her husband, and their kids live close to us, making it easy for everyone involved. It was beautiful, in the foothills of Colorado with the snow-capped mountains as our background. The one downside being that my brother was still out of the country. We put out a call to him, but he was off grid at that point. It sucked. I so badly wanted to share that moment with him. I understand he has a duty, that didn’t mean it didn’t sting all the same.
“You created a miracle, Halo. I’m so proud of you.” His eyes shine with love and devotion.
“I’m pretty sure we created our miracle, Warren,” I reply. Sure, I incubated Jeremy for nine months and birthed him, but I couldn’t have done it without my husband.
“You get what I mean. Who knew you’d have him on New Year’s Day,” he teases. Jeremy is now a day old. We’re in the hospital still because there were a few complications, nothing major, but they suggested we stay for a couple of days to make sure everything was good to go. It was scary during the delivery, when Jeremy’s heart rate dropped and my blood pressure plummeted. I had no idea his umbilical cord could wrap around his neck as many times as it did, making it even more imperative that I push as hard as I could. So, that’s what happened. I didn’t give up, and I would never let my son or Warren down. The stitches between my legs are baring some of the proof of that when Jeremy’s head ripped me. It was worth it, though. What they say is true—no matter how much pain you go through during your pregnancy and labor, the moment you see your child, it all goes away.
“That was pure luck,” I laugh. That was something out of my control. It’s also why our whole family will be greeting us at home when we’re released. Warren’s parents were here shortly after the birth, since they only live twenty minutes away from the new house we bought. We loved the apartment but knew it was time to expand with a growing family, though Warren and I didn’t want to get rid of it. Instead, we rented it out and made hand over fist during the tourist season.
“That’s true. Why don’t you get some sleep? It won’t be long before Jeremy will be ready to nurse again.” Warren has been my rock, my number-one supporter, and also the most annoying at times if I didn’t get enough rest throughout my pregnancy. It caused some arguments that ended with amazing makeup sex, so I’d say it was totally worth it.
“Fine, I will, but only because I am kind of tired. Have I mentioned I’m ready to go home yet?”