Page 19 of Father of the Bride (Forbidden Fantasies 37)
“I’m glad the weather stayed nice,” she murmurs as I lead her down a long wooden walkway where various boats are docked. “I was worried it would rain, but the day is perfect.”
It’s a sunny with a bit of wind, but not too much, which is wonderful for this sort of outdoor activity. I turn to her and smile.
“You’re right, sweetheart. But you’re the one who’s perfect.”
She blushes prettily at the compliment and squeezes my hand as we make our way to the boat. As soon as she sees the gleaming white hull, she gasps.
“Oh, my God,” the curvy girl breathes, her eyes going wide. “Preston, you have a yacht and it’s enormous!”
I grin. “What were you expecting?”
She laughs. “My uncle had a little fishing dinghy, so my mind was thinking along those lines. But to be honest, that dinghy is my only experience on the water in a vessel.”
“Did you get seasick?” I ask. She shakes her head. “Then good. Come on up, honey. Watch your step.” I help her onto the ramp and grab her hand with a grin. “Want a tour?”
She nods emphatically, so I show her around as the captain nods and begins to steer the boat out onto the water. Although the yacht is lavish with a private stateroom, sunken tub, and waterfall shower, this part isn’t the most exciting. It’s what I’ve got planned for when the sun sets in a few hours that’s extraordinarily special.
For the first hour though, we just enjoy ourselves. She changes into a tiny bikini and goes for a swim in the small on-deck pool in the rear of the boat, and I watch with growing arousal as those dripping curves gleam in the water.
“This is the life,” she moans while floating on her back, those huge breasts tilted to the sky. “Goodness, why go on a boat when you have this?”
I laugh.
“It’s just one of the perks of being successful in business,” I say wryly. “To be honest, it’s totally worth it, seeing how much you’re enjoying yourself.”
She throws a smile at me. “I would never leave this boat. Scratch that--I’d never leave this pool.”
I laugh. “Yeah, but I think you’d start to shrivel up a little.”
Carolyn shakes her head, grinning. “No, I’d be so relaxed, I wouldn’t care.”
“Well, don’t get too comfortable because I’ve got a surprise for you.”
We continue to splash in the pool, chatting and kissing in equal measure, until the sun begins to set so that orange and pink rays shimmer over the gently lapping water. It’s gorgeous and absolutely magical, but I stand and grab my towel.
“Are you ready?” I ask.
“Ready for what?” she asks inquisitively, tipping her head to the side.
“You’ll see. Here, honey. Here’s your wrap. Come on.” She clambers out, wrapping herself in the filmy robe, and then protests as I lead her inside. “Preston, what’s going on?”
I pull her into the main stateroom.
“I’ve got an outfit for you, sweetheart. I had it ordered especially in your size, so please forgive me for being presumptuous.”
Carolyn stares.
“Oh my God!”
I nod.
“Yep.” Then, I point to a long black bag hanging on the outside of the closet. “Come on, sweetheart. I can’t wait to see you in the new outfit.”
She giggles and disappears into the bathroom, garment bag in hand, as I quickly don a sports coat and pair of dress slacks. I don’t want dinner to be overly formal, but I want it to be memorable, and I know my woman’s going to look luscious in the dress I picked out.
At that moment, Carolyn steps out of the bathroom and my heart stutters in my chest as I take in those generous curves. She’s wearing an emerald-green cocktail dress that hugs her figure with a skirt that comes to mid-thigh. But the best part of the dress are the cut-outs. The saleslady convinced me that cut-outs are all the rage, so there are large vees on both sides of her waist such that the lower curves of her breasts plump out invitingly. Not only that, but the back is daring, swooping almost all the way down to show the sassy décolletage of her ass.
“Preston,” she breathes. “I can’t wear this! I’m going to pop out at any moment.”
My blue eyes merely gleam with hunger.
“No, it’s fine honey. It’s just us on board, so if you do pop out, I’ll be the only one who sees.”
She giggles.
“You and the staff,” she reminds me.
I merely grin lasciviously. “Well, I’ll have them burned at the stake if they so much as look at you the wrong way.”
Carolyn titters then, and the melodious tone makes my heart turn over. The curvy woman’s got me wrapped around her little finger, and I don’t even know if she knows. But then I mock-frown.
“As gorgeous as you are, I think the outfit needs one more thing,” I say. “Turn around, baby girl.”